How to Create a Filter


This article covers how to create filers in Platform Analytics Experience.

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

Create a Filter

  1. Navigate to All > Platform Analytics > Dashboards in the navigator.
  2. In the a dashboard that you can edit, go into editing mode and 'Add new element' in the top right. Select 'Filter'.
    screenshot of a new filter being created

Configuring Filter

We will create a simple filter that allows us to filter by multiple Assignment Groups.

  1. In the Configuration sidebar, under "Field Type", select Multiple Choice.
    closeup of options of new filter being created

  2. Under "Data > Filter Source", set the table to sys_user_group, and press Apply.
    screenshot of data source of new filter

  3. Under Data to filter, lets add make Approval groups for Business Services a filterable field.
  4. Select "+ Add" under "Data to filter".
  5. For Table, select cmdb_ci_service. For Filed, select Approval Group. Notice that only group fields will be selectable here.
    screenshot of field of data source of new filte


Now you have a filter that lets you filter and select assignment groups, which can be used in Dashboards.

screenshot of a filter on assignment groups

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please use the 'Contact ServiceNow Team' form.