This FAQ addresses commonly asked questions about building/floor plans in Tririga.
I can't find my floor plans! I can't find the as-built plans! Where are the CAD drawings?
FIM Space Management floor plans - https://ucsd.tririga.com/
To view a floor plan with space management highlights and text overlays, first find the floor (NOT the building) that you are looking for, or a room on that floor
- Click on Portfolio in the side navigation bar
- Click on Floors
- Use the text boxes to filter the list of floors to the one that you are looking for (enter part of the building name to limit the building list).
- Click on the link (anywhere on the row is fine) for the floor that you are looking for.
- A window will pop-up with details about that floor. Click on the Graphic tab at the top.
- You should now see the floor plan.
I want my floor plan to have labels and colors!
Once you’ve arrived at a floor plan, click the Menu button in the top-left corner.
- To add labels to a space (such as the room number, square feet, space classification, or occupants), select from the Labels pull-down menu.
- To highlight the rooms with colors, select from the Reports pull-down menu. Then click the button for Preferences, and check the box next to Display, then click apply. This will give you a color-coded report overlaid on the floorplan.
- Using Theme is a quick way to use pre-formatted combinations of text labels and report highlights. Regardless of the Theme chosen, any Label text or Report highlight may be chosen from the starting Theme. Some Theme examples are:
- Charge To Organization combines Responsible Department highlights with Space ID and Space Class text
- Cluster overlay combines Cluster highlight with Space ID and Cluster text
- People combines Occupancy Status highlights with Space ID and People Location (Primary, Secondary, Check-in)
I want to print my space management floor plan!
- Once you’ve gotten to a floor plan, click the Menu button in the top-left corner.
- Click the button that says Export.
- You may choose either PDF or PNG formatThe exported image will be whatever you currently have in the map tool.upper
- Expert tip: the image output and aspect ratio may be changed by sizing the right and left edges of the browser window in relation to the upper "Menu" horizontal grey bar and the lower "Activate/Save.." buttons' horizontal grey bar.
UCSD employees and construction professionals with a UCSD contractual relationship may request access here: https://facilities.ucsd.edu/Apply.htm
FIS CAD Floor Plan
To find a CAD floor plan for CAD backgrounds or design work, log into FIS https://facilities.ucsd.edu/
- Use the CAD Backgrounds section and search
- Or, use Building Information to navigate to a related building
- Scroll down to the CAD Floor Plans
- click Floor Plan Vault
FIS As-Built or Record Drawing Floor Plan
To find a PDF floor plan or project with construction details
- Use the As-Built Drawings section and search
- Or, use Building Information to navigate to a related building
- Scroll down to the Project Drawings