How to Work with Subscribers to your Mailman Mailing List


Learn how to work with subscribers to your mailing list.



Steps to Take

Get a list of your subscribers

  1. Log in to the list's administration page: with your Active Directory username and password (replace ListName with the actual name of your list. The final character is a lowercase letter 'L' for 'list.')
  2. Go to Membership Management > Membership List
  3. View a list of your current subscribers as well as their mail options.
  4. Click on Click here to include the legend for this table to view more information about the different mail options.

Add subscribers

  1. Log in to the list's administration page: with your Active Directory username and password (replace ListName with the actual name of your list. The final character is a lowercase letter 'L' for 'list.')
  2. Go to the Membership Management > Mass Subscriptions.
  3. Select the option of subscribing addresses or inviting them to subscribe. Subscribing them will add them to the list immediately. Inviting them to subscribe will send them an email message and they will have to confirm that they want to be added to the list.
  4. Choose whether or not to send a Welcome message to the addresses that you are adding.
  5. Choose whether or not to send notifications of new subscriptions to the list owner.
  6. After choosing your preferred options, enter the email addresses (one per line) in the box provided. If you want to include a name with each address, make sure each line is in the following format: name <email_address>
    • Note: Don’t forget to include the brackets around the email addresses.
    • Example: Joe User <>
    • You can also choose to upload a plain text file that contains your subscribers. The names and email addresses should be in the same format specified above. Do not upload a Word or Excel file. Do not copy and paste addresses from Word or Excel into the subscription box as this often results in hidden space characters being included at the end of the address, causing the email addresses to be invalid.
  7. If you want to include additional text to be added to the top of your invitation or the subscription notification (welcome message), include it in the box provided. The text will be added above any custom text specified in the welcome_msg setting under General Options.
  8. When finished, Submit Your Changes.

Delete subscribers

  1. Log in to the list's administration page: with your Active Directory username and password (replace ListName with the actual name of your list. The final character is a lowercase letter 'L' for 'list.')
  2. Go to the Membership Management > Membership List
  3. Click in the box in the first column (the “unsub” column) next to the address of each subscriber you want to delete.
  4. When finished, Submit Your Changes.


  1. Log in to the list's administration page: with your Active Directory username and password (replace ListName with the actual name of your list. The final character is a lowercase letter 'L' for 'list.')
  2. Go to the Membership Management > Mass Removal.
  3. Choose whether or not to send acknowledgement of the removal to the user being removed.
  4. Choose whether or not to send a notification of the removal to the list owner.
  5. Enter the email addresses you want to remove (one per line) in the box. Do not include names with the email addresses.
  6. When finished, click Submit Your Changes.

Note: If you wish to remove all subscribers from your list, there is that option on the Membership Management > Mass Removal page. That option only works if you choose not to notify the users and owners.

Deal with problem subscribers

It is possible that someday a person will use your list inappropriately by sending irrelevant messages, large numbers of messages, or demeaning messages. If this happens, you have several options:

Ban someone from your list

  1. Log in to the list's administration page: with your Active Directory username and password (replace ListName with the actual name of your list. The final character is a lowercase letter 'L' for 'list.')
  2. From the list of configuration categories, select Privacy Options > Subscription Rules.
  3. Add the offending user’s email address to the ban_list setting.
  4. When finished, Submit Your Changes.


If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket or call the ITS Service Desk at (858) 246-4357