Tagging Tickets


ServiceNow has the ability to tag Cases and Tasks with personalized labels. You can share these labels with groups. You can report on them. You change them after the ticket is closed.


Steps to Take

Accessing Tags (List View)

There are two ways to access tags. The first is from a list view.

  1. You can access list views by clicking the 'Work' module on the left and going to 'My Groups' Work'.

    Screenshot of All Menu in ServiceNow Agent View

  2. Click on the cog wheel in the top right of the list view. This will allow you to add and reorder list columns. Find the 'Tag' item and make sure it is in the right hand 'Selected' column. The list of the columns is reflective of the order the columns display: the top item on the list will be the first column displayed, the second will be the second, etc.

    Screenshot of Personalized Column List Window

  3. Once you see the tag column listed, find a case you're interested in tagging and type your tag in the space available. If you've used a tag before, it will offer suggestions.

    Screenshot of search results

  4. Once your tag is blue, you can click the outline of a person to bring up the 'Tag Details' view. Here you can share the tag with other users or groups. By default, only you can see tags you create.

    Screenshot of "Tag Details" Window

Accessing Tags (Directly on Ticket)

The second method of accessing tags is directly on the ticket itself.

  1. Click on the '...' on the top menu. From there you can add or edit tags. Clicking the silhouettes of people will bring up the Tag Details window that will allow you to share the tag with other users or groups.

    Screenshot of ellipsis menu in a case

  2. To see and manage your tags, go to the app nav on the left and click on the 'Work' module. Once there, go to 'Lists' and click 'My Tagged Documents'. This will show all your tags as well as all items associated with those tags. Most Recent will always show up.

    Screenshot of "Tagged Documents" window

  3. Tags are reportable from the standard report building interface. You cannot 'Group by' tags.

    Screenshot of filter fields in a "Create a report" window

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please use the 'Contact ServiceNow Team' form.