How to Find and Name Saved Visualizations


This article covers how to find and use saved visualizations as templates to create your own.

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

Find a Visualization

  1. Navigate to All > Platform Analytics > Library > Data Visualizations in the navigator.
    screenshot of all menu in servicenow agent view
  2. Here you can view all your visualizations as well as visualizations shared with you.
  3. In the search bar on the top left, search for "Case", to find visualizations involving the case table.

Duplicating and Cloning Visualizations

  1. In visualization selected, press the three dots in the top right.
    screenshot of a new vizualization being created
  2. Press "Duplicate" to duplicate the visualization.
  3. Here you can modify the title of the visualization, as well as make any other changes you would like. Press "Save" to save the new visualization.
    screenshot of resultant new vizualization
  4. You will be the owner of this new copy and will be able to make edits and changes to your liking.

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