Manage your Student Organization Account


Renew your student organization account and resources annually. Student organizations officially registered for the academic year may request an organizational account. These accounts are available to promote communication between the organization's members and to help publicize the organization's events. Available resources include:

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

Renew Account & Resources

Renewing your student organization is a 2-step process. Be sure to do so before the 6th week of Fall Quarter to not interrupt service.

  1. Register your organization with the Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
  2. Request an organization email/drive when you register at

Email and Drive

After submitting the account request/renewal form at a ticket will be created in our system. Once the request has been approved, you will receive information on the account as well as the password through a separate email. These accounts expire yearly and must be renewed before the 5th Friday of Fall quarter to ensure continuous access.


Student organization accounts are assigned a randomly generated password upon creation. Feel free to change the password to something you prefer at

To reset the account password without the current password, a principal member will need to come to the Service Desk with a photo ID to reset it, or email from their UCSD email account. 

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please contact the ITS Service Desk. You can call us at (858) 246-4357, email us at, or submit a ticket at