Quickly marking cases as duplicate or spam


Save several clicks by closing tickets that are duplicates or spam from the list view, you can even do it en masse.

For a single case

Automatic version:

  1. Click the three-bar "hamburger" menu in the top left of your case.
  2. Click "Mark as Duplicate" or "Mark as Spam."

Manual version:

  1. Open the case you wish to close and set the Resolution code to "Spam."
  2. Click Proposed solution.
  3. Note that this method does not immediately close the case, but will remove it from your dashboard and not send any additional emails. The case will close fully after 3 days.

    Screenshot: Setting the resolution code as Spam in the Resolution Information menu

For Multiple Cases

This functionality will only work from a list view such as Case → Open Cases (My Groups). It can't be used from a dashboard.

The below is the necessary fields for a SPAM ticket. 

Screenshot: Spam Ticket fields

Mark as spam:

Mark as duplicate:

Steps to Take

To do this one case at a time

  1. While in list view (such as Case → Open Cases (My Groups)), right click on the record that you wish to close.
  2. You will see two options: "Mark as spam" and "Mark as Duplicate"

    Screenshot: Options to mark as spam or duplicate

  3. Choose the appropriate option
  4. Confirm your selection

To do this for multiple records at the same time:

  1. While in list view (such as Case → Open Cases (My Groups)), select the checkbox next to all the tickets you want to act on. Alternatively, filter the list to exactly the records you wish to act on, then click the "select all" check box located at the very bottom of the list.
  2. In the "Actions on selected rows...." drop down menu, you will see two options: "Mark as spam" and "Mark as Duplicate

    Screenshot: Mark as duplicate for mass tickets

  3. Choose the appropriate option
  4. Confirm your selection

This functionality will only work from a list view such as Case → Open Cases (My Groups). It can't be used from a dashboard.

This action will not work on any tickets that are already in the state of "closed." If attempted, an error will be displayed and no action will be taken.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please use the 'Contact ServiceNow Team' form.