Duplicate a Kaltura Entry


Kaltura allows you to duplicate almost any entry, but it's not necessarily intuitive how to do so. This tutorial describes how to create a new copy of your media. 

These instructions apply to all UCSD community members with active directory credentials (students, instructors, staff, etc.). 

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

Kaltura entries can be duplicated in either Canvas or MediaSpace. Remember that your "My Media" is identical in both locations, so it doesn't matter where you duplicate it. 

In CanvasIn MediaSpace
  1. Log into Canvas.
    1. Go to https://canvas.ucsd.edu
    2. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Within Canvas, click My Media in the left navigation.
  3. Locate the video whose captions you want to edit, and click the pencil icon in its row.
  1. Log into MediaSpace.
    1. Go to https://mediaspace.ucsd.edu
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Media.
  3. Locate the video in question, click the kebab on its row (three dots), and select Edit
  1. In the gray box next to the player, click Launch Editor.
  2. In the left navigation of the page that appears, ensure that the Video Editor icon is selected. (It looks like a film strip. Or maybe a road.)
  3. At the top of the page, click Save a Copy

A screenshot of the Kaltura video editor, with the "save a copy" button circled.

  1. Change the title of the new entry (if desired) and click Create.
  2. Click OK, Media Page, or My Media, depending on where you want to go.

Your new entry is created and you should see it in your "My Media." Remember that it will take a little while for the new entry to be processed by Kaltura. 

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at kaltura@ucsd.edu.