Sending Tickets to Another Instance


The option to "Send ticket to another instance" has been added to the context menu for Cases in Case Management. This action will take the current ticket, with all its variables, and send it to another UC ServiceNow instance that is configured to accept tickets from UCSD.

Warning! This feature should only be used by trained users and told that this is an expectation of their duties.

Steps to Take 

This section explains how agents can utilize the new functionality to send tickets from their instance to another instance. This assumes that your instance administrators have already completed configuration.

  1. Open the record’s form that you wish to send.

  2. Click on the hamburger-menu icon Screenshot: hamburger-menu icon on the top left of the form 

  3. Select the “Send ticket to another instance” option

    Screenshot: Send ticket button in menu

  4. A pop-up will appear, select the instance that you wish to send to

    Screenshot: options of different instances

  5. A second pop-up will appear, select the table and/or group that you wish to send to. For example, "incident:Service Desk" will create a record in the incident table and it'll be assigned to the Service Desk.
    Note that the moment you choose an option, the process of sending the ticket will automatically commence.

    Screenshot: table of all the health destinations

  6. After a few seconds, check the work notes of your ticket to verify receipt

    Screenshot: Receipt of transferred ticket

  7. On the receiving end, a record will be opened with the number given in the system message above. However this record will only contain the description, short description, and some other pieces of information from the transferred record and all other fields will be empty as seen here 

    Screenshot: empty fields in ticket

    This is because other instances may be using a different record type, i.e. one instance using Cases but the receiving instance using Incidents, so fields can't be mapped one-to-one. Sys IDs of the references may also be different in different instances.

  8. To fill this section out, most of the necessary information will be transferred through the work notes as another system notification.

    An image displaying the case that was transferred

  9. Follow normal team procedure to resolve the case, informing the user that they should receive contact from the other UC group.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please use the 'Contact ServiceNow Team' form.