Follow these steps to copy your Google site from the UCSD Google domain (sites.google.com/a/ucsd.edu) to the general Google Domain (sites.google.com).
Critical Concepts
- You will need to copy over your UCSD Google Site to a personal Google account before your UCSD account closes to maintain access and ownership of your Google Site.
Steps to Take
1. Share Google Site from your UCSD account
- Log in to sites.google.com with your UCSD Active Directory account.
- Select the site you would like to copy to the general Google domain.
- Select Share with others (Person with a plus icon)
- Enter your personal Google email address.
- Press Send.
- Click Share anyway when warned about sharing externally
2. Accept invite and copy site from your personal account
- Log in to sites.google.com with your personal Google account.
- Click the three dots next to the Publish button.
- Select Make a copy.
- This will create a copy of the site from the UCSD Domain to the Google Domain. Choose new site title and URL here.