Setting up Outlook for Exchange on Windows


The instructions below will help you configure your Windows Outlook client for Exchange. If you do not have Outlook on your PC, you can install it:

Steps to Take

Setting Up Outlook for Exchange (Windows)

  1. Open your Control Panel. Type Control Panel in your windows search. Select Control Panel.

    Control Panel circled on the Start Menu on a Windows computer

  2. Type mail at the top right of your control panel screen.

    Control Panel Window with an arrow to the search field

  3. Select Mail (Microsoft Outlook)

    "mail" searched on the Control Panel

  4. Select Show Profiles

    "Show Profiles" button circled on the "Mail Setup" window

  5. Select Add

    "Add" button circled on the mail window that lists profiles

  6. For Profile Name type UCSD

    "New Profile" window to input profile name

  7. Type in your name, email address and password. Then select Next.

    email account credentials entered

  8. Confirm that you get 3 green check boxes. Before you click finish, check the box for Change account setting.

    Confirmation window for adding a profile with "Change account setting" option checked in red

  9. Select Finish.
  10. Keep default settings at the top. Select More Settings at the bottom left.

    Server settings added for new profile with an arrow to the "More settings" button

  11. Uncheck Download shared folder. Then select OK.

    Microsoft Exchange window on the Advance tab with an arrow to uncheck the option "Download shared folder"

  12. Select Finish.

    Finish button circled in "Server settings" window
  13. Locate your profile window that should still be open. Select Always use this profile.
    1. Select UCSD.
    2. Select OK.

      Mail window with the new profile listed in the list of profiles and "Always use this profile" option circled

  14. Locate Outlook on you computer and open. Your email will display.

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