How to Add Hyperlinks to a Cognos Report


How to add hyperlinks to a Cognos report

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

  1. Pull in fields to be used in the hyperlink – both for the text and the url

    Screenshot: Find fields for hyperlinks
  2. From TEXTUAL section of Tools menu pull in Hyperlink

    Screenshot: textual section of tools
  3. Click Hyperlink column
  4. Open properties window
  5. In TEXT SOURCE change Source Type to “Data Item Value” and select field from drop down list

    Screenshot: Change source type from text source

    Screenshot: Data Item Value drop down items

  6. In URL SOURCE change to “Data Item Value” and select field from drop down list

    Screenshot: Change URL Source

    Screenshot: Data item value drop down list

    Screenshot: Project Short Name after selection drop item value

  7.  Double click column header and change from “Hyperlink” to appropriate value

    Screenshot: change hyperlink text

  8. Fields used for Hyperlink column can be cut from display if desired.

    Screenshot: New hyperlink column with name changed

  9. Click on the Play button on the top left of the report to run HTML and see the result

    Screenshot: Play button