"Problem Solution" Article


Problem Solution articles contains a problem and a solution to resolve the issue.  

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

  1. Select Problem Solution template to setup article structure
    • Make sure to select Knowledge Type: Solution
  2. This will divide the page into 2 main sections with the following headings (using Heading 2 (h2)):
    • Problem 
    • Solution
  3. In Problem section, enter a concise description of the process, consider the following questions:
    • What are the symptoms of the problem?
    • What is the error message?
    • On what app or tool does problem occur?
  4. Do we know what causes this problem?
    1. If so, enter description of what triggers error / why it occurs
    2. If not, delete Cause subsection
  5. In Solution section, enter solution to resolve problem
    • Use step-by-steps instructions if multiple step process
    • Use brief description if simple, minimal steps

 Problem Solution Article

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