FAQ articles contain a list of common questions and their answers about a tool or service. This article goes over how to create a FAQ KB article.
Critical Concepts
- Remember to use truly frequently asked questions. Consider that too many will increase cognitive load on the reader and users may leave page before reading the important information.
- Most FAQ pages will be broken down into sections to group together types of FAQs. Default template has:
- Overview - Concise description of what this article is
- General - General questions about a service or tool
- Other sections should be added to meet the needs of your specific FAQ
- We recommend using internal page links to easily "jump" to specific section.
- For short FAQ articles with a handful of questions, the sections may be necessary. For these, just add a description at the top and enter questions in Heading 3 with answers in paragraph text below.
Steps to Take
- Select FAQ template to setup article structure.
- This will divide the page into 3 sections with the following headings (using Heading 2 (h2)):
- Overview
- General
- Section Heading
- In Overview section enter a concise description of the purpose of this article.
- In General section will contain general common questions about your tool/service. Edit the Section Heading to meet the needs of your specific FAQs (e.g. Prviacy, Access, etc.). Copy this Section format as needed for as many sections as you need for FAQ article.
- When entering questions, question should be done in Heading 3 text and answers should be directly below using Paragraph text (same as in template).