Case Tasks / Subtasks


Some Cases have multiple todo items. If you have a Case like this, you can transfer the Case to the first assignment group and play 'pass the potato' until it is all done or you can create Subtasks on the case. Subtasks allow you to keep an eye on the main Case and help facilitate the completion of the sub items.

Screenshot: A case containing a list of todos in the Description

Steps to Take

Creating a Case Task

  1. In order to create a Case Task, scroll to the bottom of the Case and hit 'New' on the Task tab.

    Screenshot: Task menu at bottom of the ticket where you can create a CTask ticket

  2. You will be brought to the Case Task creation screen where you can fill out the necessary information.

  3. Once done, hit 'Submit' and you will be brought back to the main Case page. The Case Task will be hyperlinked in the Activity section and can also be found at the bottom, in the Task tab.

    Screenshot: Example task ticket


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