Major Incident - Opt-in to Major Incident Text Notifications


ITS offers SMS notifications, in addition to regular email and push notifications, for the opening and closing of Major Incidents. These notifications are opt-in. To receive them, please follow the procedure outlined below OR fill out and submit this form.

In this article: 

Activate the Notifications

Please fill out the Sign-up for Major Incident Text Notifications request form. Note that only users in the ITS department are able to sign-up.

Request Access to the Notification Group

Normally, major incident notifications only send to people on the internal watch list. However, in order to receive these text notifications, you need to be added to an AD group, managed by workstation lifecycle.

  1. Check to see if you are already a member of the group ITS-MajorIncidentDist
    1.  Open the Address Book in Outlook and find your name (likely found with Last, First name syntax).
    2. Double click your name and when your info shows up, click the Member Of tab.  Look to see if you are part of this group.
    3. If you are, you are done!
    4. If you are not, continue with step 2.
  2.  Create a general request, assigned to ITS-WorkstationLifecycle.
  3. In the description, ask to have your account added to the ITS-MajorIncidentDist group and provide them with your username.
  4. Wait for confirmation.

Once you have been added to the group, and you have successfully completed Steps 1 & 2, you will receive major incident notifications through your phone's text service. If you are testing this procedure in a sub-production instance, you will see a message similar to the following in the activity log: Email activity log regarding "Major INC Opened"  in ServiceNow

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please use the 'Contact ServiceNow Team' form.