Major incidents are incidents that are used to track and resolve major losses to service. Major incident records use the same form as regular incidents with additional fields used to record information for the major incident process.
In this article:
Critical Concepts
Use these instructions if contacting the service desk is not reasonable or possible. A likely scenario is there is a need for a major incident to move forward without delay in order to facilitate the resolution of a major incident. Otherwise let the service desk create the ticket as they have the greatest experience in doing just that.
Create a major incident for a service or service offering which is experiencing some sort of widespread service degradation or outage.
Note: It is assumed that whoever is creating the major incident has an agent license which will permit access to the major incident module in ServiceNow
- Login to https://support.ucsd.edu
- In the Filter navigator type: Major
- This will bring up all the things you can do with Major
- Select: Create Major Incident
- All fields with an * are required fields and must be completed before a major incident can be created
- Fill in all the required fields
- Service and Service Offering - select the best choice which is associated with what is experiencing a widespread service degradation or outage.
- Short description: insert a brief line which will help identify the major incident
- Description: needs to contain as much information about what is being experienced as possible
- Description of the issue
- List the applications or systems impacted
- List services impacted
- Identify the customers impacted - if known
- Identify when the service began to experience difficulties or failed
- For Contact type select: Self Service
- Assignment group: Select the group for the incident manager - leaving it assigned to the service desk will create confusion
- Assigned to: select the incident manager - because you are creating the major incident on your own you will need to identify the incident manager
- Select Submit or Save & Stay - this will generate notifications to everyone on the Major incident watchlist (which is automatically populated with a default list upon creation)
- Examine the Major incident watchlist and if that list does not contain individuals or groups who need to be aware of this incident add them to the Internal watchlist on the Notes tab
- Every update to the W ork notes field will generate a notification to all listed in the Major Incident watchlist and Internal watchlist.
- Document all actions taken using the Actions taken field - updates to Actions taken will NOT generate notifications to any watchlist - it's there to capture what was done