Embed Kaltura Media Into a Text Submission Assignment in Canvas


These instructions are intended for Canvas students. 

If your instructors elect to create a "text submission" assignment in Canvas, you're able to embed a video from your Kaltura media repository ("My Media") into your submission. This tutorial walks you through the basics of the various ways you can create your video as well as how to embed it into the assignment.  

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

If your instructor has required or encouraged you to submit a video for a text submission assignment in Canvas, you'll need to do three main things:

  1. Record your video
  2. Edit your video (if necessary)
  3. Embed and submit your video

We'll go over your recording options as well as the instructions for how to submit your video.

Record your Video

As a UC San Diego student, you have several no-cost options available to you to record a video and upload it to your Kaltura media repository ("My Media").  Below are some options as well as links to any relevant tutorials, should you need to use them.

Kaltura Capture

Kaltura Capture is free screen/camera/microphone recording software that you can install on a Windows or Mac computer. All your recorded videos will end up in "My Media". Check out our tutorials below if needed:

Quick Capture

Quick Capture is an entirely web-based screen/camera/mic recording option, if you don't want to install Kaltura Capture on your computer and instead just want to record using your web browser. This option is fine as long as you're recording videos under 10 minutes long. (Any longer than that and you risk filling up your browser cache and losing your recording.) All videos recorded with Quick Capture will end up in your "My Media." Here's our tutorial:


UC San Diego has an integration set up between Zoom and Kaltura such that any time you record a video to the Zoom cloud, it will automatically end up in Kaltura. Whereas all your Zoom videos will be deleted from the Zoom cloud automatically after 30 days, your media in Kaltura will remain there indefinitely (as long as it is watched once every 4 years). 

Upload a Video

If you've got a video that you've recorded with other software, it's pretty easy to add it to "My Media" in Canvas:

Edit Your Video (if Necessary)

Using the Kaltura video editor, you can trim your video. 

Submit/Embed Your Video

Once you have a video in your Kaltura media repository ("My Media"), you're ready to submit it. (Technically, what you're doing is embedding your video and then submitting the assignment.)

  1. If you're not already, log into Canvas.
    1. Go to https://canvas.ucsd.edu.
    2. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Find the video submission assignment and click on it.
  3. Click Start Assignment.
  4. Click the three dots to expand the menu for the rich content editor.
  5. Click the Embed Kaltura Media button, which looks like a small wheel with multicolored spokes.

A screenshot of the rich content editor within an assignment, with the "embed Kaltura media" icon circled.

  1. In the window that appears, scroll through your list of media until you find the one you want to submit. Click </> Embed on its row. 

Note that you can configure various things about your embedded video (such as the size and player type) by clicking the gear icon instead of </> Embed.

A screenshot of the "embed Kaltura Media" window.

  1. After a moment, you should see your video populate within the rich content editor. You can add text (or anything else you want) above or below the video. Click Submit Assignment when you're ready.
If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at kaltura@ucsd.edu.