Delete Captions from a Kaltura Entry


Kaltura media owners and co-editor can delete captions from an entry if they wish. If your entry has more than one set of captions, however, you can choose to delete captions from your entry.

These instructions apply to all UCSD Kaltura users with active directory credentials (instructors, students, staff, etc.). 

You can delete captions in Canvas as well as MediaSpace.

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

Captions can be deleted from a Kaltura entry in both Canvas and MediaSpace. For steps 1-3, follow the steps based on where you're performing the action.

In CanvasIn MediaSpace
  1. Log into Canvas.
    1. Go to
    2. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Within Canvas, click My Media in the left navigation.
  3. Locate the video in question and click the pencil icon on its row. 
  1. Log into MediaSpace.
    1. Go to
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Media.
  3. Locate the video in question, click the kebab on its row (three dots), and select Edit. 
  1. Click the Captions tab underneath the video player. You should now see the list of captions affiliated with your video.
  2. Click the X on the row of the caption you want to delete. 

A screenshot of the captions tab, with the delete icon circled.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at