There are many options for viewing the list of approvals assigned for a ticket. This article itemizes the various ways of accessing this list for a given item either in the customer portal view or the agent view.
Load the RITM you wish to view by clicking on it or searching for the RITM number in the search box in the top right of the Agent view. At the bottom, click on the Approvers tab. Here you can see the status of approvals and any comments left behind.
Your currently assigned approvals can be viewed in the "My Stuff" tab of the portal under the "Approvals" dropdown choice.
You can approve a ticket clicking on it, then entering a value in the comments box, and clicking "Approve".
Your currently assigned approvals can also be accessed in agent view via the application navigator. Click on "All" and enter "My Approvals" into the dialog box.
The list of approvals will be shown in list view and other Approvers can be viewed for each ticket under the Approvers tab as mentioned previously.
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