Download a Transcript for a Kaltura Video


Kaltura supports captions - which display in the media player as it plays - as well as transcripts, which are automatically generated based on the caption file. Anyone who can see the transcript widget below a Kaltura media player can download the transcript. 

This tutorial applies to all UCSD Kaltura users: students, instructors, and staff with active directory credentials. Transcripts can be downloaded in Canvas and in MediaSpace.

Critical Concepts

What's the Difference between Captions and Transcripts?

A visual comparison of a caption file and a transcript file.

Sometimes the terms "captions" and "transcripts" are used interchangeably, but there are meaningful differences, particularly within the context of media management. While both contain a textual representation of words spoken during a video, here's where they diverge:

Kaltura generates its transcripts based on the captions. So if you edit the captions, the changes will be reflected in the transcript. The transcript can be found in a widget below the player when viewing a video in My Media, a Media Gallery, or a MediaSpace channel. Most embedded videos use the transcript widget as well. The nice thing about Kaltura's transcript widget is that it will highlight the text that's currently being spoken, and you can click on parts of it to jump to that part in the video.

Things to Keep in Mind

Steps to Take

Under the video with the transcript widget, click the download button. That's it!

A screenshot of the transcript widget's download button.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at