Create a MediaSpace Channel


While Kaltura content in Canvas can be published to courses, users can publish media to channels. Anyone can create a channel, and they can have the members and privacy settings of your choosing. 

As implied above, channels are specific to MediaSpace and aren't visible within Canvas. Anyone at UC San Diego with active directory credentials can create as many channels as they like. 

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

  1. If you're not already logged in to MediaSpace:
    1. Go to
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Channels.
  3. A screenshot of the "create channel" button.Click Create Channel.
  4. Set your desired settings for the channel.
    1. Name: The title of your channel.
    2. Description: Though this field isn’t required, the channel’s description is an opportunity to provide context on the content that users will find in the channel or provide instructions/suggestions for contributors.
    3. Tags: Think of tags as keywords that facilitate finding your channel (if you intend to make your channel visible to UCSD folks or completely public).
    4. Privacy: Privacy settings articulate the overall visibility of your channel. See the table below for more information about each privacy setting.
Channel PrivacyWho Can ViewWho Can ContributeNotes
OpenAnyone with UCSD active directory credentialsAnyone with UCSD active credentials 
RestrictedAnyone with UCSD active directory credentialsSpecific channel members you identify 
PrivateChannel membersSpecific channel members you identify 
Shared RepositoryChannel membersSpecific channel members you identifyShared repositories are different from private channels in that any member of a shared repository is able to re-publish any of its content elsewhere, such as another MediaSpace channel or even a course in Canvas.
Public, RestrictedAnyone (including unauthenticated users)Specific channel members you identifyThis is generally the recommended privacy setting for content that you want to share outside of the university. 
Public, OpenAnyone (including unauthenticated users)Anyone with UCSD active directory credentials 
    1. Moderate content: If you allow other users to contribute content to your channel, you can make it so that you (and other content managers that you designate) have to approve that content before it's added. For channels that allow many users to add content, this can be a useful feature.
    2. Enable Subscriptions to Channel: If this box is checked, a button will be visible on your channel enabling users to subscribe to it. If subscribed, they’ll be notified when new content is added.
  1. Click Save.

Your channel has now been created.

Interested in the idea of automatically providing certain channel roles (moderator, manager, etc.) with co-editor and/or co-publisher access to all content published to the channel? Check out our knowledge base article on enabling channel collaboration.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at