Set a Publication Schedule for Kaltura Media


Kaltura users can set what's called a "publication schedule" for their entries in both Canvas and MediaSpace. This essentially allows you to tell Kaltura when to make an entry visible in a Media Galleries (Canvas) and channels (MediaSpace). You can set when you want to make it visible and/or when you want to hide it. 

The only catch is that it applies to ALL MediaSpace channels AND Canvas media galleries in which the entry is published. It's not an instance-specific setting.

Critical Concepts

Things to Keep in Mind

Possible Use Cases

Steps to Take

You can set a publication schedule for a Kaltura entry in either Canvas or MediaSpace. (The setting is global, however, and will apply to entries published in media galleries in Canvas as well as channels in MediaSpace.) Follow the first two steps based on where you want to perform the action. 

In CanvasIn MediaSpace
  1. Log into Canvas.
    1. Go to
    2. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Within Canvas, click My Media in the left navigation.
  1. Log into MediaSpace.
    1. Go to
    2. Click the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Login.
    3. Enter your active directory credentials.
  2. Click the profile icon again and select My Media.
  1. Find the video in question and click the pencil icon in its row.
  2. Ensure that the Details tab below the video is selected.
  3. Next to "Publishing Schedule," click the radio button for Specific Time Frame.
  4. Fill out a start time and/or an end time for when you want your entry to be visible in media galleries and channels. Ensure that the correct time zone is selected.
  5. Click Save.

A screenshot of the "details" tab with the publishing schedule exposed.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at