Release 13.10.0 introduced the following new features, fixes, and updates to the campus instance of ServiceNow at UC San Diego and was implemented on January 31, 2024.
Agent Workspace
- Moved "Agent Presence" display next to the heading in the UCSD Agent Workspace.
Case Management
- Fixed a bug where category would clear when applied to a record via a template.
Change Management
- Fixed a bug where "Save & Stay" would not stay on the current page. It did save, though, so 5/10.
Dashboards & Reports
- Added the ability for agents to report on the Case Metric table. Unlike normal reports, which show the current state of cases, the Case Metric table allows you to report on some historical information for cases, such as assignment group changes, or time spent assigned to a particular group.
- Platform administrators now have the ability to see Request Items with a stuck workflow using the "RITM Audit Widget".
Human Resources
- Fixed a bug where the "Mark as Spam" and "Mark as Duplicate" options were displaying twice on the list view.
- Email notifications to agents will no longer send when a customer updates a cancelled case. This usually occurs when a customer replies to an old email for a case that has been transferred.
Request Catalog
- Users can now be added to empty groups in the Kuali Automations flow
- Updated UCLearning course codes on the SAH Developer Request form
- Updated financial approvers on the Cloud Services form
- Verbiage changes to the Purchase Goods (BOTS) form
- Various changes to the ITS Onboarding Form and Workflow:
- Modified the Cell Phone task and reassigned to the Hiring Manager
- Modified the Budget Management team's task to include the SMT area in the Short Description
- Hid various fields from the form that were not applicable for Employee Type = Student
- Removed Budget Projections task when the form is used to hire a student