This article covers how to create a score chart in the Platform Analytics Experience for agents in ServiceNow.
Critical Concepts
- You can create your own score chart visualizations in the Analytics Center with any allowed data table from ServiceNow.
- This article will cover creating a bar chart from the Task table with conditions for my groups and requires fulfiller action.
Steps to Take
Create a Visualization
- In Agent View, via the All menu, type in 'Platform Analytics', and select "Analytics Center".
- On the main Analytics Center page, scroll down and click on "Create new visualization"
Select and Filter Data Source
- Click on "Add data source"
- Find and select the Table that you want. For this article, we will proceed with the Task table.
- Click on "+ Add custom conditions" to add filters.
- To filter for my groups, add a condition for "Assignment group", operator "is (dynamic)", and value "One of My Groups". This will filter for all groups that you are a part of. To filter for tasks that require fulfiller action, add an "and" condition for field "Requires Fulfiller Action", operator "is", and value "true".
- Create the visualization by clicking "Add this source" in the bottom right.
Configure Visualization
- By default, visualizations are created with type "Single score", which is what we want for this article.
- In the Configuration sidebar, you add also add a chart title by going to "Header and border" > "Chart title", or change text color by going to "Colors" > "Set color type". You can also set conditional colors from this option.
- In the end, click Save, and your score chart will look something like this:
- From here you can bookmark this graph or add it to a dashboard.