How to Request a Department Configuration Change


To submit a Department Configuration Request, you must complete and submit a Department Table Configuration BRD Form. The forms and fields you need to complete depend on the type of request you are making for your department.


Critical Concepts

Download and complete the required documents above. Submit a ticket with the documents attached through the Employee Center (Category: Payroll, Specifically: General Payroll Inquiry).

Central Core Payroll (CCP) with work with Human Resources - Employee Relations & Labor Relations (HR-ER/LR) to process your request.

Important Note:

You will need to DOWNLOAD the forms to your computer to view & make edits to the spreadsheet.

To download the file:

  1.  Click on the link to the form below
  2.  Select File
  3.  Select Save As
  4.  Select Download a Copy


For New Departments

To request a Department Configuration Request for a new department, you will need to download and complete the following documents:

  1. Department Table Configuration BRD Form
    1.  Complete all three tabs:
      1.  Department Table Tab
      2. Security Tree Tab
      3. HR Worksite Tab
  2. Default FAU (Financial Accounting Unit) Form
    1.  View KB0034027 How to Configure Department Default FAU's for detailed instructions on completing this form.

For Updating Existing Departments 

To request a Department Configuration Request for updating an existing department, you will need to download and complete the following documents:

  1. Department Table Configuration BRD Form
    1.  Complete the Department Table Tab
    2.  Security Tree Tab
      1. Complete this tab if you are updating an existing department’s organizational structure
      2. Leave this tab blank if you are updating an existing department (such as a name change)
    3.  HR Worksites Tab
      1. Complete this tab only if you are changing a department’s description. Otherwise, leave blank. 
  2.  Optional: Default FAU Form
    1.  For updating an existing department, you will only need to submit a Default FAU form if there are changes to department funding.

You will be contacted via ServiceNow if additional information is needed. 

Helpful Links:

  1. KB0032301 How to Determine a Chart String (CoA Reference Guide)
  2. KB0032079 How to Find a Default Project for your Financial Unit (FinUnit)
  3. KB0034027 How to Configure Department Default FAU's
  4. How to Request a Department Configuration Change Process Map


Department Table Configuration BRD Form Fields

Department Table Tab

Fields in green are default fields.

Field NameDefinitionField Options
Type of RequestWhat type of request are you making? 

Add – New department that needs to be setup in UCPath

Update – Update an existing department in UCPath 

Inactivate – Inactivate existing department in UCPath 

SETIDWhat is the Business Unit that your department will fall under? 

SDCMP – Campus

SDMED – Medical Center

Department ID What is the Department ID of your department? (10 character limit)If you are requesting a new department, you do not need to complete this field. CCP will include the Department ID in the BRD form.
Effective Date What is the start date of the current fiscal year of this request?Ex: 7/1/22
Status What is the status of this request? 

A – Active 

I - Inactive 

DescriptionWhat is the title of your new department? (30 character limit)Ex: Business and Financial Services 
Short DescriptionWhat is the shortened title of your department? (10 character limit) Ex: BFS 
Company What is the company that the department will reside in? UCS
Location SETIDWhat is the location of the Business Unit?Select what you input for the SETID tab. 
Location What is the VC Area that the department will reside in? 

VCSA – VC Student Affairs   

VCRMP – VC Resource Management & Planning   

VCRES – VC Research   

VCMS – VC Marine Sciences   

VCHSS – VC Health Sciences-Schools   

VCHSH – VC Health Sciences-Health   

VCEDI – VC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion   

VCCFO – VC Chief Financial Officer   

VCADV – VC Advancement   

VCAA – VC Academic Affairs   

CHANC – Chancellor 

Tax Location CodeWhat state will the department operate in? CA-0M00000 
Use Comm Acctg/Budgeting Will your department use a budget? 

Y – Yes 

N – No

Use Encumbrance Processing Will your department use encumbrances?

Y – Yes 

N – No 

Use Actuals Distribution Will your department use distributions? 

Y – Yes 

N – No

Department TypeWhat is the department type that describes your new department?

A – Clinical 

B – Basic Sciences 

C – Both 

D – None

Department LevelWhat is the department level that best describes your new department?

1 – Organization 

2 – Division 

3 – Subdivision 

4 – Department Level 4 

5 – Department Level 5 

6 – Department Level 6 

7 – Department Level 7

Work Study Eligible?Is this department work study eligible? 

Y – Yes 

N – No


Security Tree Tab

Field NameDefinitionField Options
Type of RequestWhat type of request are you making? Are you adding something new or updating an existing configuration?

Add – New department that needs to be setup in UCPath

Update – Update an existing department in UCPath 

Inactivate – Inactivate existing department in UCPath 

SETIDWhat is the Business Unit that your department will fall under? 

SDCMP – Campus

SDMED – Medical Center

Effective Date What is the start date of the current fiscal year of this request?This should be the same effective date listed on the Department Table tab
Division NameWhat is the name of your division?Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Division Dept ID What is your division department ID?Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Subdivision Name What is the subdivision name? Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Subdivision Dept ID What is the subdivision department ID?Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Department NameWhat is the name of the department you are making the request for?Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Department IDWhat is the department ID? Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Department Name Additional columns for multiple requests Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 
Department IDAdditional columns for multiple requests Complete this field if it is applicable to your request 


HR Worksites Tab

Fields in green are default fields.

Field NameDefinitionField Options
Type of RequestWhat type of request are you making?

Add – New department that needs to be setup in UCPath

Update – Update an existing department in UCPath 

Inactivate – Inactivate existing department in UCPath 

SETIDWhat is the Business Unit that your department will fall under? 

SDCMP – Campus

SDMED – Medical Center

HR Worksite ID Leave blank, CCP to complete
DescriptionWhat is the title of your new department? Ex: Business and Financial Services
Send EmailWill hires be treated as inband or out of band for the I-9 Tracker System?

Y – Yes 

N – No

E-VerifyWill this change require E-Verify validation? 

N – No

Rehire New I-9Will hires be treated as inband or out of band for the I-9 Tracker System? 

Y – Yes 

N – No


Default FAU Form Fields

View KB0034027 How to Configure Department Default FAU's for detailed instructions on completing this form.



If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket