How to Update Out of State Income Tax Withholding in UCPath


This article is intended for employees who work and live in a state other than California or outside the U.S. Use this task to update out of state Income Tax Withholding.

Steps to Take

  1. Login to UCPath:

  2. Select University of California, San Diego

  3. Login using your active directory information

  4. Dashboard Navigation: Forms Library > Access Forms > Payroll > Out-Of-State Income Tax Withholding

  5. Click the Out-Of-State Income Tax Withholding link.

  6. Click the scroll bar

  7. Review the defaulted Home Address information. Change if needed for tax purposes. Note: Changing Address Information here will not update any other address information in UCPath. For this example, accept the defaults.

  8. The state in which you reside must be entered here. Click in the State of Residence field.

  9. Click the Look Up State of Residence button.

  10. Click in the Quick Filter field.

  11. Enter the desired information into the Quick Filter field. For this example, enter AZ.

  12. Click the AZ button.

  13. Click the scroll bar.

  14. Update Employee Contact Information if needed. For this example, accept the defaults.

  15. Enter your non-California tax address in the Non-Resident of California section. Review all instructions carefully and completely before taking action.

  16. Enter a starting date. Click in the Start Date field.

  17. Enter the desired information into the Start Date field. For this example, type 07/06/2020.

  18. If an ending date is known, enter it in the End Date field. If unknown, click the End Date Unknown/TBD check box. For this example, click the End Date Unknown/TBD check box.

  19. Enter the city. Click in the City field.

  20. Enter the desired information into the City field. For this example, enter Phoenix.

  21. If county taxes apply, enter the county. Click in the County field.

  22. Enter the desired information into the County field. For this example, enter Maricopa.

  23. Enter the state using the State field. Click the Look Up State button.

  24. Click in the Quick Filter field.

  25. Enter the desired information into the Quick Filter field. For this example, enter AZ.

  26. Click the AZ button.

  27. Click the Scroll bar.

  28. Use the File Attachments section to determine U.S. state tax requirements and to download and fill out required tax forms. Review all instructions carefully and completely before taking action.

  29. Current U.S. state tax requirements and download instructions for required tax forms are found here. Carefully read and follow all instructions.

  30. Current information on states with reciprocal agreements are found here. Carefully read and follow all instructions.

  31. Upload completed tax forms and relevant documents one at a time, or scan multiple documents together and load as one. Click the Upload button.

  32. Click the Choose a file button.

  33. Find the applicable tax form. Click the appropriate file.

  34. Click the Open button.

  35. Click the Upload button.

  36. Use the drop-down menu to select a description for each uploaded attachment. Click the drop-down icon.

  37. For this example, click the State 1 Tax Form list item.

  38. Click the scroll bar.

  39. Completion of the Action Items section is required before form submission.

  40. Review and complete the first Action Item and then acknowledge completion. Click the Required Acknowledgement check box.

  41. Review and complete the next Action Item and then acknowledge completion. Click the Required Acknowledgement check box.

  42. Enter text in the Comments field if needed. For this example leave the field blank.

  43. After completing all applicable fields in all the sections, submit the form for processing. Click the Submit button.

  44. Click the Yes button.

  45. You have updated your out-of-state tax withholding in UCPath.

Additional Information

Please refer to the Update My Out-Of-State Tax Withholding for step by step instruction with screenshot images. Example uses sample images as seen on a computer. Sample images appear differently on a tablet or smartphone, but the steps remain the same.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket.