How To Process Damage Payment


Damage Payment is a payment for services performed before the State Oath of Allegiance is signed.

Critical Concepts

Criteria for Claim: Damages may be claimed where all of the following conditions are met:

Note: In the event the prospective employee refuses to execute the oath, services must be terminated immediately and a claim submitted indicating the unwillingness to sign the oath.


Steps to Take

  1. Department completes the Damage Payment Report. Form can be found in the UCPath Forms Library
  2. Department submits a Service Now case under UCPath>Transaction Support>Payroll with the description: Damage Payment. Attach the completed Damage Payment Report form to the Service now case
  3. Payroll Representative will route the form to the Chancellor/Administrative Officer for approval
  4. Once the final approval is obtained, Payroll Representative will advise the Department to process an off-cycle pay request (E-078) using the Earn Code DMG via the Service Now case

    If the effective date of the hire does not align with the date the employee started work, then you will need to submit a Job Data Update Form, changing the effective date of the hire to the first date the employee worked before submitting the E-078. Please see screenshot below from the Operational Alignment deck regarding Damage Payments:

  5. Department submits an off-cycle pay request (E-078), then, updates the Service Now case with the Transaction number
  6. Department verifies the status in the Off-Cycle Dashboard in UCPath. Once the status indicates “Payment Processed”, have the employee complete the Damage Payment Release. Form can be found in the Forms Library
  7. Department attaches the completed Damage Payment Release form to the Service Now case
  8. Payroll Representative saves the completed form in the Payroll repository (idocs) and closes the Service Now case.

Additional Information

Damage Payment Report and Damage Payment Release forms do not need to be submitted to the UCPath Center.

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket.