This guide demonstrates how to use the GSAS (Graduate Support Accounting Setup) web application to request a new AIDID, required to process a graduate (PhD, MFA, or master’s) stipend or fee payment.
Critical Concepts
- For information on how to lookup Project information, please see KB0033040 and the UCSD-DSH Project Information Lookup report.
- We strongly recommend fiscal, research, and graduate student support staff communicate directly with each other to coordinate accounting set-up and payment requests. Workflow internal to academic departments and administrative units varies.
- GSAS is used to generate the data elements required to map a payment request in FSRT to the appropriate OFC accounting strings (PTAF or non-project COA).
- It is uncommon that a non-project chart string is used for graduate student support, however, the GSAS application will not reject a non-project request that passes validation. Please take the time to verify that there is not a project (PTAF) with the appropriate fiscal or research administrator. Usually, this is a department financial or business officer (for department/program funds) or a research administrator (for faculty funds).
- An appropriate AIDID mapped to the target PTAF/COA is required to process funding changes for existing payment requests - do not process cost transfers in OFC
Steps to Take
- Visit https://finapps.ucsd.edu/sspss/ - Note: You may need to be on VPN
- Select an option in ‘OFC Chart Type’
- If selecting ‘Project Charts’, you will then need to provide: Project, Task, Funding Source (Note: Funding sources are only required for sponsored projects.)
- If selecting ‘Non-Project Charts’, you will then need to provide: Entity, Fund, FinUnit, Function, Program, Location, Activity
- Select options for Payment Type
- By default, Stipend and Fee will be selected
- Select Insurance only if the payment will be against an NIH funding source for a T32 or F31 award
- You may enter Comments if appropriate, but this is not a required field.
- By default, your email will be listed in the email field. You may choose to enter additional recipients to be copied on communications.
- Note: separate each email with a semi-colon, but do not include a space in between each email address.
- Press Submit to validate the information you entered
- If your information is found, the system will provide the existing Detail Code and AIDID.
- If your information is not found, you will receive an error message.
- Your AIDID will be emailed to you once it has been created and is available to use. Each AIDID will come in a separate email.
- Click “Reset” to restart the process or to enter different values.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and Supplemental Information
- Requests to schedule graduate student support payments (stipends or fees) are entered in the FSRT (Financial Support Request Tool), not in GSAS.
- From the FSRT, UC San Diego’s business process requires the payments flow to ProSAM (the financial aid system UC San Diego uses to process student financial support), then to ISIS (the student billing and accounts receivable system), then to OFC (the financial ledger system).
- For all undergraduate financial support payments, please contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office - scholarships@ucsd.edu
- For all medical (M.D.) or pharmacy (PharmD) financial support payments, please contact the Health Sciences Financial Aid Office - somfinaid@health.ucsd.edu.
- For ISIS detail code requests that are not related to graduate student financial support payments, please see KB0032303
GSAS errors and how to resolve them
- Error: “Invalid entry; Entity, Fund & FinUnit, Function, Program, Location & Activity are all required fields”
- Cause: Non-project Charts request was selected and a required field was empty, or one of the entries was incorrect.
- Resolution:
- Review the fields to ensure they have been entered correctly.
- Review the information with the appropriate fiscal administrator to ensure they are valid and active.
- Error: “Activity and Locations must be 6 digits. Enter 000000 for default”
- Cause: Non-project request was selected and the Location or Activity fields did not contain enough digits.
- Resolution:
- Review the entered information to ensure that six digits were entered in both fields.
- Confirm the information with the appropriate fiscal administrator
- Enter 000000 for default
- Error: “Invalid Email format. You can enter multiple emails as semi-coon separated”
- Cause: The Email Address field has an incomplete email OR the semi-colon separated emails contain a space
- Resolution:
- Ensure the email address was entered correctly.
- If additional emails have been added, ensure there are no spaces in between each email and that each email is separated by a semi-colon.
- Error: “OFC CCoA values not found for provided PTF segments”
- Cause: Project Charts request was selected and the Project, Task, and/or Funding Source could not be validated OR was left empty.
- Resolution:
- Review the fields to ensure they have been entered correctly.
- If you are using sponsored project information, entering a Funding Source is required.
- Review the information with the appropriate fiscal administrator to ensure they are valid and active.
- Error: “Invalid PTF Combination: The expenditure item date is outside the project dates. Update the project start and finish dates or the expenditure item date of the transaction.”
- Cause: Project Charts request was selected and the Project has been closed or the Task finish date has passed.
- Review the fields to ensure they have been entered correctly.
- Review the information with the appropriate fiscal administrator to ensure they are valid and active.
- For any other issues, after your fiscal administrator has confirmed the provided information, please submit a ticket for “Graduate Support Accounting Setup”