Agreement Types

Contract - A mechanism used for the procurement of a product or service contract with the primary benefit to the sponsor.  A contract contains specific obligations on the part of both the sponsor and the university, including specific deliverable or milestones. 

Cooperative Agreement - Similar to a grant, but the sponsor’s staff may be actively involved in the design and conduct of the research activities. 

Fellowship - An agreement which is: (a) merit based (in response to a competitive application); (b) awarded to a specific individual; (c) mentored; and (d) intended to enhance an individual’s potential to develop into an independent researcher/scholar.

Grant - A form of financial assistance awarded to conduct research or other programs that is specified in an approved proposal or statement of work. 

Personnel Agreement - A Personnel Agreement is a payment mechanism to maintain the employment status and pay of a UCSD employee who is working on a project on behalf of another institution or agency.

Service Agreement - A contract under which UC San Diego receives payment to perform services or provide products for an outside entity.

Unfunded Agreement - A research collaboration with other scientists or institutions without receiving funding.