This document is a guide to assist with updating a previously submitted 700-U form.
1. Log in to Kuali COI using UCSD Credentials and Duo Two-Factor Authentication.
2. On the 700-U form screen, locate the 700-U form project that you would like to update
a. All of your projects are listed under “All Projects (#)”.
b. You can use the search bar with the magnifying glass and “Search for something…” to type in your search parameters. It is important that you locate the specific project with the specific sponsor. If there are multiple projects with the same sponsor, the discloser must update every project (i.e., if there are two projects, must update both 700-U forms).
Search parameters include Project Title, Kuali Research project ID number, Sponsor.
3. Expand the project by selecting the down arrow on the right hand side of the project card.
4. You can make the appropriate changes or updates to your 700-U form for your specific project with a specific sponsor. All fields are editable, update only what applies. Click “Save” to save your changes to the system.
5. Once your changes or updates are made, please click the “Next” button under the completion circle on the right hand side to proceed to the “700-U Validate/Submit” screen to re-sign your new updated 700-U form.
6. On the “700-U Validate/Submit” screen, you will need to re-sign and re-verify your answers on the 700-U form. The signature box of forms pending signatures and verification will be outlined in red.
Type in your signature in the “Signature” box and then click the “Verify & Submit” button (it will activate once the signature is entered).
7. Click “Next” to proceed through the rest of your disclosure portfolio.
8. If you have nothing else to update or nothing else is highlighted in red, continue to click “Next” and “Submit” to submit the disclosure back to the COI Office.
If you are unable to locate your project in Kuali COI, please contact The COI office will research and potentially create a manual project for the investigator to provide an updated disclosure.