How to Locate Approved Document set in Kuali IRB

Attention: To ensure study documents receive the IRB approval stamp, research teams must upload clean, properly labeled PDF versions AND select the applicable “Attachment Type” in the Supporting Information section when submitting the application.  

In Kuali IRB, research teams will be notified via email that a study has received approval.  The system automatically places an approval stamp in the “Footer” of clean, properly labeled PDF versions of Informed Consent Forms, Parental Permissions, Assent Forms and Recruitment Materials.  The manual process to stamp and email those documents separately no longer exists.  To locate these documents, the research teams can go to the study application through the link provided in the approval notification or by logging directly into Kuali IRB. 

Once the application is open, you can confirm the “Approved Version” is available by selecting it from the “Selected Version” pulldown menu (Green box in image below).

Next, go to the section “Supporting Information” using the “Jump to” navigation column on the left side of the screen (Yellow box in image below).  This section is where research teams originally uploaded their study documentation during the submission process.

Click on the clean, PDF consent forms and recruitment materials, as applicable, to “Preview” or “Download” the stamped document (Blue box in image below).  The approval stamp should be in the footer of the document.