SPO System-to-System Review Process


Instructions for Sponsored Project Officers on how to conduct a full review for approval and submission of a System-to-System proposal in Kuali Research Proposal Development.

Steps To Take

  1.  Confirm the Sponsor in the Proposal Details screen
  2. Confirm if there is a Hard Deadline and the Proposal due date by navigating to the Sponsor & Program Information section
  3. Confirm the Opportunity ID in the S2S Opportunity section in the first Opportunity Tab
    • Use the Opportunity ID to search for the Solicitation
  4. In the S2S Opportunity section, click into the Forms tab to review the list of required and included forms to confirm what should be reviewed in the Solicitation.
  5. In the Key Personnel section, confirm the Principal Investigator then confirm the status of the Annual Disclosure 
  6.  In the Compliance section, confirm the compliance entries (if any) reflect the Principal Investigator's Compliance Questionnaire answers
  7. In the Attachments section, open and review the attachments to confirm the content aligns with solicitation (ex: any special language required in Research Plan)
    • Confirm if the Biosketch and Scope of Work note any Foreign Engagement. If Foreign Engagement is noted, it should be noted in the Lead Principal Investigator's Compliance Questionnaire
    • Review all the attachments by clicking into the different tabs (Proposal, Personnel, Abstracts, Internal)
    • Review the Notes tab to view any notes from the Research Administrator 
  8.  Navigate to the Budget section and click into the Budget that is marked 'Include for Submission'
    •  In the budget, review the line items of the Detailed Budget by navigating to both the Assign Personnel to Periods tab and the Non-Personnel Costs tab. 
    • Check for IDC and Cost Sharing to ensure costs are correct
  9.  In the Summary/Submit section:
    • If updates need to be made, click Return and provide feedback in the Return reason text box and/or attach a file with notes
    • If ready to submit. click Approve then click Submit to S2S