Kuali Research Proposal Development Requirement for Award Amendments


Department research administrators will need to create a Kuali Research (KR) Proposal Development (PD) record for certain award amendments.  This action supports the Conflict of Interest (COI) process in KR to 1) automatically notify the investigators that COI disclosure(s) are needed for such amendments and 2) for the COI office to be notified of an award amendment requiring COI disclosure and possibly review. 

 The following award amendments will require a new KR PD record:

  1.  Additional money and extended time period
  2. Additional money within the same time period

Guidance for Department Research Administrators

The department research administrator may either create a brand new KR PD record or copy a previous KR PD record. When copying a KR PD record, the Department Research Administrator may elect to copy over the budget, questionnaires, and attachments. It is recommended to copy the previous proposal and link to the appropriate Original Institutional Proposal (IP) number. The department administrator will need to make sure that the KR PD record is updated so that it aligns with and supports the award amendment. The PI certification will not copy over.

1. Additional Money and Extended Time Period:

Proposal type: Consult with SPO to determine if it should be a New, Renewal, Revision or Continuation

Keyword (if applicable):  Other 

Required attachments: The supporting documents for the amendment should be uploaded, such as the scope of work, budget, and budget justification, as applicable, for the additional work, funding, and project duration. 

Please note that if this is new money that was not contemplated under a previous proposal/KR PD record, then the department research administrator should route a KR PD record with the proposal type as “New” or “Renewal”.

2. Additional money within the same time period:  

Proposal type: Revision

Keyword (if applicable):  Supplement (other than minority supplement) or Minority Suppl. (NIH)

Required attachments: The supporting documents for the amendment should be uploaded, such as the scope of work, budget, and budget justification, as applicable, for the additional work and funding.

Additional Guidance for Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) Officers

When the SPO Officer approves a KR PD record for the proposal type “revision,” or “continuation” the following options will populate:

The SPO Officer should choose “Generate a new version of Institutional Proposal”.

Amendment Matrix Quick Guide


Type of AmendmentKR PD Record Need to be Created?
Additional money within the same time period

YES - Department to copy original proposal, add original IP number, mark proposal type as Revision and add either Supplement (other than minority supplement) or Minority Suppl. (NIH) if applicable.

(SPO to select Generate a new version of Institutional Proposal - this will let you look up an existing IP and will merge the information and create a new version of the existing IP record, this will be a many to 1 relationship with multiple PDs to 1 IP)
Additional money and extended time period

YES – Department to copy original proposal, add original IP number, consult with SPO on whether the proposal type should be New, Renewal, Revision or Continuation and add keyword “other” if applicable.  (SPO to select Generate a new version of Institutional Proposal - this will let you look up an existing IP and will merge the information and create a new version of the existing IP record, this will be a many to 1 relationship with multiple PDs to 1 IP)

Change in PI

NO - Federal awards do not need a new proposal (as KR Award talks to KCOI).  Only need notify COI team to created manual project for non-federal (700-U projects), however, SPOs MUST use Jira (OCGA and SIO) and COI will create a manual project so that no KR PD record is needed.

COI - No PD required.   Except extra steps required for non-federal (700-U) sponsors. 

To ease administrative burden of creating a PD, COI office and the SPO agreed that COI must be notified by SPO to create a manual project trigger a Kuali COI record for disclosure by the new PI through JIRA  (COI pending and add "Change in PI" in Summary and Description, OR via email to info-coi@ucsd.edu if the SPO office does not use JIRA.
Change in sponsor name (name only)NO - update as award action
Change in sponsor (assuming rights and obligations from one sponsor to another)

NO - update as award action

FOR OCTA: email to info-coi@ucsd.edu so a manual project can be created.

No cost extensionNO - update as award action
SOW revised or new SOW addedNO - update as award action
Update in payment schedule/milestonesNO - update as award action
TerminationNO - update as award action
Language update (not related to export control or other compliance) such as IP or other terms and conditions, contact information for either party, etc. NO - update as award action
Language update related to export control NO - set Jira to pending all for Export Control
Language update to add new FAR or DFAR clauses NO - set Jira to pending for Export Control (if previous EC in Research Questionnaire)
Language update related to COI NO - contact Jennifer Ford via Jira
Language update related to IRB NO - contact hrpp@ucsd.edu
Language update related to animal use NO - contact iacuc@ucsd.edu


If you still have questions or need additional assistance, submit a ticket