How to Respond to Action Items in Kuali IRB

After submitting an application, the IRB Analysts will engage in their review and will assign “Action Items” to sections with questions about answers or require updates or revisions.  The study team will receive a notification that an IRB Analyst requires revisions.  The research team member can either log directly into the protocol from the link in the notification email or log into Kuali IRB and access the protocol from their Manage Protocols Screen.

Important: Study Personnel permissions must be set to "Full Access" only.  Please make sure to un-check the system default of "Read Only".


On that screen, the application will have a “Status” of Revisions in Progress (Green box below):

Click on the blue text for your study title to open the application

Your Protocol Application will have a “Feedback comment” (Blue Box below) and you will see one or more yellow circles with a number on sections in the navigation column on the left hand side of the screen (Red Box below):

You can quickly jump to that section by clicking on the title in the “Jump To” column.

Within that section, you will find the words “Action Items:” with a yellow circle and number (Green Box below).  You can click on those words to open the comment(s) from the IRB Analyst on the right side of your screen (Red Box below):

When you click Reply, a comment box opens for you to respond to the IRB Analyst. 

After performing any requested changes, updates or corrections and you have added a response to the IRB Analyst, click the blue Post button (Red Box below)

To close the “Action Item” after posting your response, click the arrow in the gray title bar (Green Box below)

After responding to all “Action Items” or “General Action Items” and performing all requested updates, changes or corrections you can Resubmit your application by clicking the button in the top right (Red Box & Arrow below).