RA Basics Job Aid - Agreement Types

Agreement Types Overview

The agreement type will drive how you develop the proposal and will be a deciding factor in which SPO you work with to review and submit the proposal. It will also determine how the agreement is managed.

Agreements can be funded, which have money attached to them that will need to be managed according to the conditions outlined in the signed agreement, or unfunded, which have no money attached to them, but still offer a formal agreement with terms and conditions. While it might seem like unfunded agreements are those that did not receive funding, that is not the case. It just means that these are agreements whereby no money is attached or transacted between the parties.

Anticipated Type of Award Checklist

Agreement TypeDefinitionOffice Responsible

A contribution that is donative in intent, given voluntarily and without expectation or consideration. Unrestricted funds.

Advancement Services Administration


A form of financial assistance awarded to conduct research or other programs that is specified in an approved proposal or statement of work. A grant agreement may include minimal deliverables or other reports. The most common funding mechanism used by agencies to fund research. A grant provides maximum flexibility in the expenditure of funds and performance of the proposed work. There is little agency involvement and grant terms and conditions may be standard and referenced rather than included in the grant agreement.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)
Cooperative Agreement

Similar to a grant, but the sponsor’s staff may be actively involved in the design and conduct of the research activities. Generally used by the federal government.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)


A mechanism used for the procurement of a product or service contract with the primary benefit to the sponsor.  A contract contains specific obligations on the part of both the sponsor and the university, including specific deliverable or milestones. The research idea or methods often originate from the sponsor with the scope of work and budget negotiated. A contract is the most restrictive funding mechanism with most changes requiring renegotiation and a formal contract modification. Agency personnel will interact frequently with the PI with regard to the progress of the research and expenditure of the funds.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)
Subaward (Grant or Contract)A subaward is an agreement that transfer a portion of the research and effort of a prime award to another institution. A subaward will be consistent with the terms and conditions of the original award (prime award). UC San Diego both receives and issues subawards. Also known as a flow‐through award.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team subawards@ucsd.edu

Multi-Campus Award (MCA)

An agreement between two UC campuses when more than one campus will be engaging in a sponsored project. An MCA is a formal agreement between one UC campus and another, funded by a third-party sponsor. A type of subaward.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)
Service AgreementA contract under which UC San Diego receives payment to perform services or provide products for an outside entity. Existing, approved recharge rate facilities are frequent users of service agreements and some have their own customized template with terms that are specific to their facility and services. Groups that don’t have approved recharge rates can also enter into service agreements on a case by case basis.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) For SIO service agreements, contact Andrea Lupu at alupu@ucsd.edu


HS SPPO: VC Health Sciences Business Contracting

Lab Service Agreement (LSA)

Pre-clinical activity involving non-human clinical observation such as performing assays, gathering data, and testing proprietary substances in a controlled setting. The results are provided to the sponsor.

HS SPPO: VC Health Sciences Business Contracting

Clinical Service Agreement (CSA) and

Clinical Consulting Agreement (CON)

UC provides a service for a fee: Professional (Medical director, patient care, clinical trial oversight, faculty consulting, data management for multi-site studies); Clinical (nurses, dieticians, research personnel); Educational Programs: (CME, preceptorships, community health outreach)

HS SPPO: VC Health Sciences Business Contracting

Clinical Trials

An agreement for the controlled, clinical testing in human subjects of investigational new drugs, devices, treatments, or diagnostics, or comparisons of approved drugs, devices, treatments, or diagnostics, to assess their safety efficacy, benefits, costs, adverse reactions, and/or outcomes.

Clinical trials can either be industry-funded, such as by a pharmaceutical company (OCTA), or initiated by the PI and funded by the university (OCGA). Industry-funded clinical trials are routed through OCTA, and PI-initiated are routed through OCGA.

Office of Clinical Trials Administration (OCTA)




Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)


An agreement which is: (a) merit based (in response to a competitive application); (b) awarded to a specific individual (award follows the individual should they leave the university); (c) mentored; and (d) intended to enhance an individual’s potential to develop into an independent researcher/scholar.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)

SIO- Office of Contract and Grant Administration (SIO -OCGA)

Health Sciences Sponsored Project Pre- Award Office (HS SPPO)


Graduate Division

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a legal contract that establishes terms, conditions and a record of a transfer of tangible research materials between the owner and a recipient for research purpose and is required for material coming into and going out of UC San Diego. Please note that these unfunded agreement types are actually not handled by the Ancillary Research Agreements team; rather, SPO officers on both the Health Sciences and General Campus teams handle MTAs.

Examples of tangible research materials:

  • Mice
  • Plasmids
  • Reagents
  • Human materials (blood, tissue, etc.)
  • Cell lines
  • Vectors

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA)


IMPORTANT NOTE - Historical fully executed agreements can be downloaded from the eMTA system for a limited time. Please do not submit new requests through eMTA. Effective Friday, January 20, 2023, a VPN connection will be required to access the eMTA System when working remotely (not on campus). A VPN connection is not required when working on campus. For VPN instructions or assistance please navigate to the VPN Blink page.


For assistance: MTAHelpDesk@ucsd.edu






Agreement TypeDefinitionOffice Responsible

Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA)


Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)


Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA)
An agreement intended to cover conversations that contain confidential and/or proprietary information from one or both parties and the terms control the disclosure, receipt, and use of the confidential or proprietary information.Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team
Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)An agreement between two or more parties that functions as a more formal alternative to a verbal or "handshake" agreement, also called a Letter of Agreement.Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team
Data Use Agreement (DUA)

A contract for one party to provide access to, or transfer of, data or a data set to another party for research purposes.

Sharing of UC San Diego data (outgoing)

Receiving non- UC San Diego data (incoming)
Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team
Equipment Loan Agreement (ELA)

An agreement between UCSD and another party that allows that party to loan one or more items of equipment for research purposes.

Providing UC San Diego Equipment to a non- UC San Diego party (outgoing)

Receiving non- UC San Diego Equipment from a non-UCSD party (incoming)
Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team
Software Licensing Agreement (SLA)

An agreement allowing an outside party to provide use of software for research purposes, providing both parties mutual benefit from use of software. Generally, only negotiated in cases where a company is providing software only and no other research support (e.g., no funding).

UC San Diego Software being licensed to a non- UC San Diego user (outgoing)

Non- UC San Diego Software licensing to a UC San Diego user (incoming)
Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team
Teaming Agreement (TA)

UC San Diego and another party will be submitting a grant application together and the Teaming Agreement

establishes the expectations of both parties.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration

(OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team

Unfunded Collaboration Agreement (UCA)


Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA)

UC San Diego and a non- UC San Diego institution would like to collaborate on a project with no funding involved.

Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) Ancillary Research Agreements Team


Subawards: Incoming vs Outgoing

Subaward: An agreement or secondary contract in which a third party agrees to perform some of the activities defined in a primary proposal.

An outgoing subaward is when a portion of UCSD's sponsored project is passed through to another entity in order to complete a portion of the sponsored project's scope of work. It does not include payments to a contractor or payments to an individual that is a beneficiary of a program.

An incoming subaward is when another institution (pass-through entity) receives funding and issues a subaward to the UCSD (subrecipient) for a portion of the project.