How to Enter Effort in Kuali Research for Key Personnel

How to Enter Key Personnel Effort in Kuali


Step 1. Determine Effort Type


Step 2. Calculate Effort

Key Personnel effort is entered into Kuali as percent effort (not person months effort). A value of 1.00 means 100% of time was committed for the entire period, so percent effort should never exceed 1.00. The formula for calculating percent effort is:

The denominator (Total # Months) will depend on the effort type.


Step 3. Enter Year 1 Effort into the Appropriate Field

Use the decision tree above to determine the appropriate field.

Example: an academic appointee will commit 50% of time for 9 months.

This would be (9*0.50)/9 = 0.50 entered in the Academic Year Effort box. 


Step 4. Enter Year 1 Effort (again) into the Total Effort Field

Continuing with the same example above, this would be entered as 0.50 in the Total Effort field.

If academic and summer effort differ, enter the academic effort into the Total Effort field.

If there is no salary, enter 0.00 in the Total Effort field. 


Visual Example for Entering Effort in Kuali Research: