Basic New Award Setup for COI Hold


How to enter a basic new award setup for COI hold in the Kuali Research Award module.

Critical Concepts

The information entered will flow into Oracle Financial Records and cannot be updated without significant work. Sponsors and end dates must be correct.

This process begins once an officer is notified by either the sponsor or department of an award.

Steps To Take

  1. Once a notification is received, navigate to Jira and create a Jira issue
  2. In Jira, Change the COI status to Pending, this will trigger the award to appear on the COI dashboard
  3. Depending on the sponsor, COI will either complete the COI review and change to "approved/managed" etc or "place award on hold"
  4. Once an award is ready to be placed on hold, log into Kuali Research
  5. In Kuali Research, navigate to Common Tasks and under the Award card, click Create Award
  6. In the first Document Overview section, enter your initials into the Description field
  7. In the Funding Proposals section, add the IP number. 
    • Click on the Add to the right of the field to complete adding the IP number.
  8. In the Current Action section, click the Transaction Type field and select New 
    • No notice date or comment needs to be entered
  9. In the Institution section:
    • Click the Award Status field and select Hold
    • Click the Agreement Type field and select the type per the award
  10. In the Sponsor section:
    • Check Sponsor ID and the Prime Sponsor fields
      • Always check the prime sponsor field is filled if there is a prime sponsor. if there is a prime and it's not entered, then it will not trigger COI, so always double check.
    • In the Sponsor Award ID (sponsor award number) field, enter the sponsor award number from Jira or the award document
    • Per the Notice of Award, enter the CFDA number (check the prime if applicable)
  11. In the Time & Money section:
    • Per the Notice of Award, enter the Project Start Date 
    • Per the Notice of Award , enter the Project End Date
    • The obligation Start and End dates per the Notice of Award can also be added but are not required
  12. Once the above fields in the Award tab are completed, click Save at the bottom of the screen
  13. Navigate to the Comments, Notes & Attachments tab
  14. In the Attachments section:
    • Upload documents such as the Notice of Award, Closeout documents, etc.
    • To the right of the document entry, click the Add button to complete adding the attachment
  15. Click Save
  16. Navigate to Jira and add the Kuali Research Award number
  17. Update COI to Pending-Award Created

If you still have questions, please submit a ticket to the UCSD Kuali Research Help Desk