New Sponsor Request


How to request a new sponsor code in Kuali Research.

Please note, when the 9850 sponsor code is added to the record along with the PI details, it triggers a notification to OCGA. The record does not need to be routed for the new sponsor code to be requested. The record just needs to be filled out with the requisite details for it to trigger the notification.

Steps To Take


Enter all five of the below pieces of information into your record. This important step triggers routing and without routing, your record will now be assigned and your new sponsor request will not be submitted. 

    1. Deadline Date
    2. Anticipated Agreement Type
    3. Principle Investigator
    4. COA Financial Unit Code (entered under the Supplemental Information Screen. Instructions for this step are linked here)
    5. Sponsor (Use 9850 - Miscellaneous Sponsors)


2Select 9850 MISCELLANEOUS SPONSORS as the sponsor.
3Go to the Attachments Screen and click on the Notes tab.
4Click on Add Note.
5Type “New Sponsor Request” in the Topic section and add the company information in the Text Section, then click on Add.



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