Reference letters are a required but separate component of this application and will be completed through the eRA Commons. For more information, see NIH’s webpage about Reference Letters.
Provide your referees with the appropriate instructions. Remember to include your name as it is shown in your Commons account, your eRA Commons username, the funding opportunity number (see above) to which you are applying, and most importantly, the deadline.
Make sure you include a list of referees (including name, departmental affiliation, and institution) in the cover letter of the application so NIH staff is aware of planned reference letter submissions.
SF 424 (R&R) Cover Page | ||
1. Type of Submission |
Select the appropriate option | |
2. Date Submitted |
2. Applicant Identifier |
Last, First F31 KR [record number] Example: Lapek, Jeniffer F31 KR 12345 | |
3. Date Received by State and State Application Identifier |
4a. Federal Identifier |
Resubmissions only: enter grant number (institute code and serial number only; Example: CA654321). | |
4b. Agency Routing Identifier |
4c. Previous Tracking Identifier |
5. Applicant Information |
Legal Name: The Regents of the Univ. of Calif., U.C. San Diego | ||
Department: Sponsored Projects Office | ||
Division: General Campus | ||
Street 1: 9500 Gilman Drive | ||
Street 2: MC 0934 | ||
City: La Jolla | ||
State: California | ||
ZIP / Postal Code: 92093-0934 | ||
Country: United States | ||
Person to be contacted on matters involving this application Last Name: Kusiak Position: Director, Sponsored Projects Office Address: same as above Phone Number: 858-822-5618 Fax Number: 858-534-0280 Email: | ||
6. Employer Identification (EIN) or (TIN) |
1956006144A1 | |
7. Type of Applicant |
H: Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education | |
8. Type of Application |
Check “New” if this is your first time submitting to NIH or first time submitting this project to NIH. | |
9. Name of Federal Agency |
National Institutes of Health | |
10. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number |
11. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project 200 characters max |
Enter your project title | |
12. Proposed Project |
These are the earliest possible standard start dates for each cycle of NIH. If you are applying for: | |
Cycle 1 (Apr) |
December 1 | |
Cycle 2 (Aug) |
April 1 of next year | |
Cycle 3 (Dec) |
July 1 of next year | |
13. Congressional District of Applicant |
CA-050 | |
14. PD/PI Contact Information |
This information populates from the Sr/Key Person tab. | |
15. Estimated Project Funding |
Lines A and C: Total Costs (see KB0034041) Lines B and C: (Leave Blank) | |
16. Is Application subject to review by State Executive Order 12372 process? |
Check “No” (This program is not covered by E.O. 12372). | |
17. Certification |
Check "I agree" to provide the required certifications and assurances. | |
18. SFLLL or Other Explanatory Documentation |
Do not attach anything to this line. | |
19. Authorized Representative SIO Applicants: contact your fund manager for this information |
First Name: Jeniffer ← watch the nonstandard spelling: one N and two Fs | |
Last Name: Lapek | ||
Position/Title: Senior Contract & Grant Officer | ||
Name of Organization: The Regents of the Univ. of Calif., U.C. San Diego | ||
Department: Sponsored Projects Office | ||
Division: General Campus | ||
Street 1: 9500 Gilman Drive | ||
Street 2: MC 0934 | ||
City: La Jolla | ||
County: San Diego | ||
State: California | ||
Country: United States | ||
ZIP / Postal Code: 92093-0934 | ||
Phone Number: 858-822-5060 | ||
Fax Number: 858-534-0280 | ||
Email: | ||
20. Pre-Application |
LEAVE BLANK: Do not attach anything to this line. | |
21. Cover Letter |
Content Guidelines: Address cover letter to the Division of Receipt and Referral and include:
| |
The Cover Letter attachment may not be used to communicate application assignment preferences. Instead, use the Assignment Request Form. To add the form, click Add Optional Form from the Actions panel on the left side of the ASSIST application, select Assignment Request form, and click Submit. The form will appear as a new tab in the ASSIST application. For more detailed instructions, see G.600, Assignment Request Form. |
Other Project Information Form | |
1. Are Human Subjects Involved? Not sure if your application requires Human Subjects approval? Use NIH’s Decision Tool. |
If YES to Human Subjects and EXEMPT from federal regulations, select the appropriate exemption number. |
If YES to Human Subjects and NOT EXEMPT from federal regulations, then the answer to "If NO, is the IRB review Pending?" should also be YES. IRB Approval Date: Leave Blank Human Subject Assurance Number: 00004495 | |
If you will be using human subjects in your project, you will need to include a PHS Enrollment Inclusion Form. To add the form, click Add Optional Form from the Actions panel on the left side of the ASSIST application, select PHS Enrollment Inclusion Form, and click Submit. The form will appear as a new tab in the ASSIST application. | |
2. Are Vertebrate Animals Used? |
If YES, then the answer to "Is the IACUC review Pending?" should also be YES. IACUC Approval Date: Leave Blank Animal Assurance Welfare Number: D16-00020 |
3. Is proprietary/privileged information included in the application? |
If your application contains patentable ideas/trade secrets (note: this is very rare), check YES and make sure that the proposal is marked appropriately. |
4. Does this project have an actual or potential impact - positive or negative - on the environment? |
For most proposals, the answer to this is usually NO. |
5. Is the research performance site designated, or eligible to be designated, as a historic place? |
For most proposals, the answer to this is usually NO. |
6. Does this project involve activities outside of the United States or partnerships with international collaborators? |
For most proposals, the answer to this is usually NO. |
7. Project Summary/Abstract 30 lines of text max |
Content Guidelines: key focus, long-term goals, relevance to agency’s mission, research design methods. Describe the fellowship training plan and the environment in which the research training will take place. Write in third person. Do not describe past accomplishments. |
8. Project Narrative 3 sentences max |
Content Guidelines: Describe the relevance of this research to public health in, at most, three sentences. What will your research contribute to the field? |
9. Bibliography & References Cited No page limit |
Content Guidelines: All citation formats are acceptable. |
10. Facilities & Other Resources No page limit |
Content Guidelines: Describe how the research site contributes to the probability of success, like, institutional support, physical resources, and intellectual rapport. Describe organizational scientific and educational facilities and resources necessary and accessible to the fellowship candidate to complete the proposed research training plan. |
11. Equipment No page limit |
Content Guidelines: List major items of equipment already available for the project and, if possible, where it is and what it can do. |
Senior/Key Person Profile Form | |
Project Director/Principal Investigator Profile |
Credential, e.g., agency login: Your eRA Commons ID The system will not submit the application without it! First Name: Your first name Last Name: Your last name Position/Title: Graduate Student Researcher Department: Your home department Division: Enter School of Medicine, Skaggs, General Campus, or Scripps Inst. of Oceanography Street 1: 9500 Gilman Drive Street 2: MC: XXXX ← your home department mail code City: La Jolla County/Parish: San Diego State: California Zip/Postal Code: 92093-XXXX ← your home department mail code Phone Number: Your personal phone number Email: Your email address Project Role: PD/PI Degree Type: Enter highest degree received (DO NOT enter PhD) Degree Year: Enter the year that the highest degree was received |
Biographical Sketch (5 Pages Max): Make sure to use the current format page (fellowship) and follow current content guidelines. Section D is no longer required, so enter N/A or leave blank. | |
Current & Pending Support: Do not attach anything to this line. | |
Senior/Key Person Profile Follow these instructions for each mentor (Sponsor), co-mentor (Co-Sponsor), consultant, or other significant contributor |
Enter faculty’s eRA Commons ID in the Credential, e.g., agency login field and then click Populate fields from Credentials. This will autofill whichever fields the PI has completed on their profile. Complete missing fields as follows and/or ask faculty member: |
Position/Title: Faculty’s title as it appears on Blink Department: Faculty’s home department Division: Enter School of Medicine, Skaggs, General Campus, or Scripps Inst. of Oceanography Street 1: 9500 Gilman Drive Street 2: MC: XXXX ← faculty’s home department mail code City: La Jolla County/Parish: San Diego State: California Zip/Postal Code: 92093-XXXX ← faculty’s home department mail code Project Role: Other (Specify) Other Project Role Category: Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, Consultant, or Other Significant Contributor (do not write Mentor) | |
Biographical Sketch (5 Pages Max): Make sure to use the current format page (non-fellowship) and follow current content guidelines. | |
Current & Pending Support: Do not attach anything to this line. |
Fellowship Supplemental Form | |
1. Introduction (Resubmissions only) 1 page max |
Required for resubmission applications (see Resubmission Applications). Otherwise, do not attach anything on this line. |
2. Candidate's Goals, Preparedness and Potential 3 pages max |
Content Guidance: Organize your background and goals in the specified order using the following subsection titles: A. Overall Training Goals
B. Candidate's Preparedness
C. Candidate's Self-Assessment
D. Scientific Perspective
3. Training Activities and Timeline 3 pages max |
Content Guidance: The research training plan activities should be individually tailored and well-integrated. The planned activities should address the candidate's goals and identified areas for development. The application should describe the collaborative process between the candidate and the sponsor(s) in the development, writing, review, and editing of the research training plan, including the research training project aims and strategy.
4. Research Training Project - Specific Aims 1 page max |
Content Guidance: State concisely the broader goals of the proposed research training project (for example, to test a stated hypothesis, create a novel design, solve a specific problem, challenge an existing paradigm or clinical practice, address a barrier to progress in the field, or develop new technology). List succinctly the specific objectives or aims of the research training project to be completed by the candidate during the funding period. Summarize the expected outcome(s). Include the potential impact that the results of the proposed research training project will have on the research field(s) involved. |
5. Research Training Project - Strategy 6 pages max |
Content Guidance: Organize your research training project strategy in the specified order using the following subsection titles: 1. Scientific Foundation and Rationale
2. Approach
6. Progress Report Publication List (Renewals only) |
Do not attach anything to this line. |
7. Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research 1 page max |
Content Guidance: The plan must address the following five instructional components using the following subsection titles:
8. Sponsor(s) Commitment Completed by Sponsor/Co-Sponsor(s) 6 pages max |
Content Guidance: Each sponsor and co-sponsor statement must address all of the following sections (A-E).
9. Letters of Support from Collaborators, Contributors, and Consultants Completed by Collaborators 6 pages max |
If any collaborators, consultants, or advisors will make contributions to your project/ research training, attach letters of support from them here, describing their role and contributions. Note that these are different from Reference Letters, which are letters of recommendation sent directly to NIH via eRA Commons. |
10. Description of Candidate’s Contribution to Program Goals Completed by Department Chair 2 pages max |
Diversity applications only. Otherwise not required, do not include. Content Guidance: The sponsoring institution must provide a document on institutional letterhead that explains how the candidate’s participation will further the goals of the fellowship program to promote diversity in health-related research. The attachment must be dated and signed by the department chair. |
11. Vertebrate Animals |
If you have answered "No" for activities involving vertebrate animals and activities involving vertebrate animals are not planned at any time during the proposed project at any performance site (in the Other Project Information Form section), then skip 11 and 12. If you have answered "Yes" for activities involving vertebrate animals: complete Line 11 and prepare the Vertebrate Animals attachment for 12 in consultation with your Sponsor. |
12. Vertebrate Animals (Attachment) No page limit |
Content Guidance: Subsection titles should match the application guide:
13. Select Agent Research No page limit |
Only required if applicable. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
14. Resource Sharing Plan No page limit |
Only required if applicable. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
15. Other Plan(s) No page limit |
Do not attach anything to this line. |
16. Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources No page limit |
Only required if applicable. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
17. Human Embryonic Stem Cells |
Required. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
18. Alternate Phone Number |
Optional. |
19. Degree Sought During Proposed Award |
Required. Select “PHD: Doctor of Philosophy” |
20. Field of Training for Current Proposal |
Required. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
21. Current or Prior Kirschstein-NRSA Support? |
Required. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. Prior or current T32 grant holders should answer "Yes" and enter the start and end dates of the support as well as the grant number. |
22. Applications for Concurrent Support |
Required. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
23. Citizenship |
Required. |
24. Change of Sponsoring Institution |
Required. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |
25. Tuition and Fees |
Required. Check the "Funds Requested" box and enter the estimated costs of tuition/fees per year. Follow the guidance in KB0034041 in consultation with your fund manager/research administrator. |
26. Childcare Costs |
Required. Indicate whether funds are being requested for childcare costs by checking the appropriate box ("None Requested" or "Funds Requested"). Eligible applicants may request $3,000 per year for childcare provided by a licensed childcare provider. For more information about childcare costs, see NOT-OD-24-116 |
27. Present Institutional Base Salary |
28. Stipends/Salary During First Year of Proposed Fellowship |
29. Appendix |
LEAVE BLANK: Do not attach anything to this line. |
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information | |
Required for all projects that include human subjects and/or clinical trials. For guidance, refer to the NIH application guide. |