Subawardee Audit Information request

Annual Financial Statement Audit Reports

Annual financial statements for the University of California are prepared and audited on a consolidated basis including all campus locations. The audited financial statements are included in the University's Annual Financial Reports and are available on the Reporting Transparency website.

2 CFR 200 Subpart F - Audit Requirements

The University's expenditures of Federal funds are audited annually in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200. As with the financial statement audits, the Single Audits are conducted on a consolidated basis and reports on all campus locations. The University's fiscal year ends June 30, and the Single Audit report is issued by the end of March in the following year. Copies of the Single Audit report are submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse of the U.S. Census Bureau. Information from current Single Audits and prior A-133 audits is accessible online through the Federal Audit Clearinghouse website. The organization name in this database is "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA."

Previous year A-133 Audit Findings Notification to Pass-Through Entities

When there are no findings relating to awards from a pass-through entity, Section __.320(e)(2) of OMB Circular A-133 authorizes the University to provide a written notification to the pass-through entities in lieu of the A-133 reporting package. Pass-through entities can obtain the written notifications directly by clicking in the link below.

Copies of recent Single Audit reports (pdf only) are available in the FDP Clearinghouse Audit page.