Kuali Access: Requesting Non-employee Access OR Future/Incoming Employee Access

Non-Employees Requiring Kuali Access (Affiliate System)

Step 1:

The Department Security Administrator (DSA) in the UCSD department sponsoring the person logs into MyAffiliates and creates a new sponsored business systems user account.

If you do not know who the DSA is, use the DSA Lookup Tool then email them with the request.

Required Information from user:

Step 2: 

Submit a support ticket to UCSD’s Information Technology Services department asking them to assign a “System 63” ID (aka Kuali ID) to the account. Make sure to include the SSO Account created in the prior step.

The steps for submitting this type of support ticket are as follows.

  1. Browse to the UCSD Support Portal & click Information Technology
  2. Click Get Help & Order Services
  3. Click Submit a Ticket to IT Services
  4. Enter the following information into the form:
    • I want to: Make a request
    • Subject: Kuali ID Request
    • Description: Please add a System 63 ID to user AFF___ so they can access Kuali
    • What service does this relate to? Single Sign-on
    • Press SUBMIT button

NOTE: Once the request has been completed, it takes approximately 3 business days for the account to be fully setup and automatically added to Kuali.


Future/Incoming Employees Requiring Kuali Access (UCPath)

If you have an individual that requires access to Kuali prior to their employment start date, the hiring entry into UCPath will need to be completed to create an employee record and Employee ID. Please reach out to your department's HR Representative to have them added. Once they have been added in UCPath, it will take approximately 3 business days for the employee to be added in Kuali.


For questions about UCPath, please contact Human Resources

For questions about Kuali, please contact the appropriate team using this page.