How to Determine if a Kuali Research Amendment record is Needed

Is an Amendment Needed?


The answer to this question varies according to the particular classification of your agreement. Here is the criteria that should be used to make your determination:


Incoming AwardsAnytime an agreement’s award amount exceeds the overall award amount listed on the award’s PD record, a KR amendment record is required.
Material Transfer AgreementsContact the MTA help desk at
Service AgreementsA new Kuali PD Amendment record is needed for each amendment to an existing service agreement.
Unfunded AgreementsIn most cases, a new Kuali PD record is not needed. For instance, term extensions and renewals do not require a new PD record. However, a new Kuali PD record is needed for more significant changes that would trigger a compliance review, such as a sponsor or PI change.


Not sure what kind of agreement you're working with? Reach out to us at