How to Add Attendees to an Event Expense Report


This article demonstrates the process of adding attendees to event expenses in Concur. It provides step-by-step instructions, offering users guidance on efficiently including attendee information within the Concur platform for comprehensive event expense reporting.

Essential Information

Video: How to Add Attendees in Concur

Next Steps

How to Add Individual Attendees

1. Enter the required information in for the Event Expense, click Attendees.

2. In the Attendees section, select Add.

3. In the Attendees tab, choose your Attendee Type then search for the appropriate individuals.

4. Under Search Results, click Add.

5. After adding Attendees, select Close.

6. Select Save after adding attendees, it will take you back to the Details section.

7. Select Save Expense to return to the open Report.

To Add an Attendee Event Group and Attach a List

1. Enter the required information in the Event Expense, click Attendees.

2. In the Attendees dialog box, select Add.

3. On the Attendees tab, select Group of Attendees (100 or less) or Group of Attendees (more than 100) as the Attendee Type, then select Create New Attendee.

4. In the pop-up box, select Create Attendee.

           a. In Attendee Name, attendee group displays.

5. In the Attendee Count, update the number of Attendees and click Save.

           a. This action will calculate the Cost Per Person.

6. Select Save Expense to update Attendee information.

7. To upload the Attendee List, you can either attach it after the receipt OR select Add Expense.

8. Under the + Create New Expense tab, select List of Meal/Meeting Attendees as the Expense Type.

9. Select the Transaction Date and select Attach Receipt Image to upload saved PDF of Guest List.

           a. Acceptable file formats in Concur: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .tif, or .tiff – 5MB limit per file.

10. Enter comments, select Save Expense to return to the open report.


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