This article describes how to process recharges transactions through the Recharge Plus Application. The Recharge Plus App is to be used for Recharge Operations, Recharge Mechanisms such as Auxiliaries, and Recording Differential Income and Equipment Depreciation. You can reference, KB0033794 RMP App Best Practices. Additionally, Cost Transfers should not be processed as a recharge; please see, KBA0033191: Cost Transfer Guide. Recharges are used to recover costs when one UCSD Department provides a service/product to another UCSD Department for a fee as an institutionally approved Sales and Service Activity Recharge Cost Recovery, sometimes referred to as Internal Revenue or Recharge Income, is not reported the same way on Financial Statements as External Revenue nor is it recognized as Revenue. The credit for a Recharge is not accounted for as Revenue, but as Cost Recovery; negative Project Costs.
Essential Information
- While users can access the Recharge Plus App (SSO login), individuals must be set up in order to process transactions. To request access to the Recharge Plus App, create a Services & Support ticket (S&S categories in Resources section below), include the user's name/email and the following information:
- For an existing tab/group:
- The name of the tab(s) needed
- Approval from an existing Recharge Plus App Group Admin (I.e., an existing user)
- For a new tab/group (e.g., new recharge, Differential Income or Equipment Depreciation):
- The associated IFIS fund
- Examples of previous recharge transactions (e.g., MCI file)
- Expenditure Types that will be used
- Note: Differential Income and Equipment Depreciation require the set up of unique tabs, separate from the main recharge's tab.
- There is no workflow or approval process in the Recharge Plus App; users with access to the Recharge Plus App can post transactions directly to Oracle.
- Users are responsible for importing and troubleshooting their own transactions.
- Users can process multiple transactions using an import file (most common), or one transaction at a time via direct entry for low volume transactions.
Next Steps
- Clearly bookmark the Recharge Plus DEV (test) site and the Recharge Plus PROD (live) sites.
- Recharge Plus DEV: https://rmp-webdev.ucsd.edu/rmp-recharge/charges
- Recharge Plus PROD: https://rmp-web.ucsd.edu/rmp-recharge/charges
- Download the Recharge Plus Import Template, Save As, and populate content.
- Ensure you are on the correct tab before importing the file.
- Excel Import Batch:
- A unique identifier referenced in the Recharge Plus App only.
- Do not enter a generic name; recommended format is [Document Entry name] [Date] [Number], Example = HDH 2020-10-06 1
- 35-character limit
- Charge Description:
- Description of what was charged.
- 200-character limit
- Avoid special characters and formatting such as line breaks.
- Visible in OFC: Projects > Costs > Manage Project Costs > View > Columns > Add Comments column. Access to Manage Project Costs is dependent on role.
- Customer Project Number
- Customer Task Number
- Customer Funding Source Number
- Populate if Customer Project Number is sponsored, otherwise leave blank.
- Expenditure Type:
- Must be an exact match to what exists in Oracle. Reference the Expenditure Type Report.
- Starting FY2023-24, Differential Income will use Expenditure type: 773002 - Department Tax (previously used Expenditure Type 774010 - Differential Income).
- Equipment Depreciation will use Expenditure Type: 774010 - To/From Renew/Replace Equipment Reserves.
- Revenue Expenditure Type
- If blank, automatically defaults to 775000 - Recharge Income Self Supporting Activities – Credit
- Starting FY2023-24, Differential Income will use Expenditure type: 773002 - Department Tax (previously used Expenditure Type 774010 - Differential Income).
- Equipment Depreciation will use Expenditure Type: 774010 - To/From Renew/Replace Equipment Reserves.
- Provider Project Number: Recharge organization’s Project Number
- Provider Task Number: Recharge organization’s Task Number
- Dollar Amount: Amount being charged to the customer
- Do not include leading dollar sign ($)
- Service Date
- Date that good were provided or services were rendered.
- Appears in Oracle as the Expenditure Date.
- MM/DD/YYYY format
- From Import Charges From Excel, click Choose File to search for the file. Once loaded, select Import Charges, then Submit Active Charges to OFC.
- Once the transaction shows as "Submitted" in the Recharge Plus App, validate that the batch was successfully loaded in Oracle. See How to Confirm Transactions in Oracle.

Transaction Verification & Reporting
- Manage Project Costs accessed through Oracle
- Access is dependent on having the UCSD GL Inquiry and Reporting JR role in Oracle. See KB0032240: How to request the GL Inquiry and Reporting Role.
- Pathway: Projects > Costs > Tasklist (paper icon on the right menu) > Manage Project Costs
- Select Advanced to search by Batch Name (use dropdown quantifier Contains), Transaction Number, Expenditure Type, etc.
- Optionally, save the Advanced search with Expenditure Batch quantifier changed so it's the default search.
- Add desired fields (e.g., Comments) by clicking View dropdown > Columns
- Project Information Lookup Panorama accessed through Business Analytics Hub
- Validate the Project/Task (and Funding Source) values.
- Transaction Details Report accessed through Business Analytics Hub
- The more criteria that can be provided, the faster the report will run (e.g., Transaction Source = UCSD Recharge Plus App).
- The report may take minutes to run; recommend running it and taking a break.
- Unprocessed Transactions With Errors Report accessed through Business Analytics Hub
- Export the data to filter and format; reference column: Document Entry
- A single transaction may be referenced multiple times, one per error. Note the Unprocessed Transaction Reference as the unique identifier of a transaction.
- Reference MCI Import File Best Practices and Error Handling.
- Written for troubleshooting MCI file import, but some error messages/troubleshooting may apply.
- Submit Service & Support ticket to request processing or deleting an unprocessed cost.
- Additional reports accessible through Business Analytics Hub:
- UCSD-DSH Project Panorama (PPM Project Balances and GL Project Balances tabs)
- UCSD DSH Project Balances with Expenditure Dashboard
- Faculty and Researcher Panorama
- Confirm values such as Expenditure Type are an exact match to what exists in Oracle. E.g., no leading/trailing spaces, extra dashes, upper/lower case, misspellings, etc.
- Ensure the Project/Task (and Funding Source if project is sponsored) are valid and active.
- The Service Date cannot be after the Project/Task (or Award if Sponsored Project) end dates. If the Project/Task/Award has ended, backdate the Service Date if appropriate, or contact the customer to request new Project information.
- Review character limitations: Excel Import Batch (35 characters) and Charge Description (200 characters)
- If a transaction fails import to OFC, you have the option to edit by clicking on the pencil icon to correct the Charge Description, Customer POET values or Service Date.
- If a Funding Source was incorrectly included in the import, edit the failed transaction and search for the project number again, refreshing the values.
- All other values cannot be edited in the Recharge Plus App. Instead, correct the information on the import template and re-import. Failed transactions will remain in the interface, as they cannot be deleted at this time.
- Once the correction has been made, change the status dropdown to Active and click Save. You can then resubmit all Active transactions by clicking Submit Active Charges to OFC.
- If reusing the Excel import file and manipulating data within the spreadsheet, the system may not realize rows are blank. A warning will reference requiring values in those rows .
- The Recharge Plus App will only load the rows that are truly populated and will disregard fully blank rows. The warning can be disregarded if the correct transactions were successfully imported.
- Optional Solution: Ensure that content is fully cleared (data and formatting) from blank row. Alternatively, copy and paste the values only to a new template and re-import.
- To reverse charges that were successfully submitted to OFC:
- Example: Wrong amount referenced, wrong project information, submitted under the wrong Recharge Plus group/tab
- Optional: Make a copy of the tab on the original import file to process the reversal. The system will import the information on the first tab only.
- Modify the import file:
- Make Dollar Amounts negative values by adding a minus (-) sign
- Include additional information in the Charge Description as an explanation for the reversal.
- Ensure the Excel Import Batch value is unique
- Upload the modified file, send to OFC. Confirm the reversal processed successfully by validating in OFC.
- Import the corrected file or import the original file on the correct tab (be sure to move the desired tab to the first position).
- If charges were imported to Recharge Plus App but not submitted to OFC under the wrong Recharge Plus Doc Entry/Group:
- Use the same file, delete all but 1 charge, reimport (may need to copy and paste values into a new template). The Recharge Plus App will recognize the same batch ID and will delete all but the 1 remaining line, which you can then manually delete. Then import the original file on the correct tab.
- Optionally, manually delete the Active charges individually via the trashcan icon.
Additional Information
- The amount of time it takes for the transactions to appear in Oracle depends on variables such as how large the import file is, how many users are importing in the Recharge Plus App (e.g., month end, fiscal year end), and how impacted Oracle is at that time. Smaller files should load in 10 minutes and larger files may take up to an hour. If you don't see the transactions in Oracle, be sure to check the Unprocessed Transactions report.
- When first using the application or when importing large files, it’s recommended to import in the Recharge Plus App DEV site to proactively detect errors. Note that newly created Projects or Expenditure Types may not exist in the DEV environment and will result in an error.
- If you have access to multiple groups/tabs in the Recharge Plus App, make sure you’re on the right one before importing transactions. Certain triggers such a browser refresh will default the view to the first tab.
- If there are multiple users actively importing on a tab, coordinate with each other before transferring costs to OFC to ensure others’ costs aren’t submitted prematurely.
- Click on the pencil icon and edit the transaction status to “Draft” if not ready to submit charges to OFC.
- The default display is sorted by Service Date, but utilize the Filter Status drop down, Date Range, and search bar to find and view specific transactions.
Supplemental Guides
To submit a ticket regarding PPM File Submissions, select the following options:
- About: Costing Policy & Recharges
- Related to: PPM Recharges
- More Specifically: PPM File Submissions
- Include: the name of the tab you're working on, the import file used, and screenshots of errors (if applicable)