This article describes how to add a Deliver-To Location to your Profile in Oracle Procurement and view a list of all Deliver-To Locations available in Oracle.
1. Click the pencil icon next to your name to edit Requisition Preferences.
2. In the Edit Requisition Preferences, in the Deliver-To Location text field, click the Search icon.
3. In the Search and Select dialog box, click Advanced.
4. In The Search and Select Advanced dialog box, in the Name row, change the drop down to Contains.
5. Enter a short keyword to search for your address provided above in Deliver-to Location list.
a. Try both keywords and building acronyms, e.g. BSB, ACTRI, student, med, etc.
6. Click Search
7. Select the desired address and click OK, the selected address is now saved as the default Deliver-To Location in your Profile.
a. Widen the Address column of the search results to view the full address.
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