How to Look Up User Roles in Oracle


This article describes how to run the User Roles Report in Oracle. For users that separate or terminate access, please continue to the Oracle and Concur Role Removal Request Form.

Essential Information

Next Steps

1. Click on the link to go to the Business Analytics Hub (BAH).

2. Search for Campus User Roles and the click the report name or Launch button to open the report.

3. If required, log into Oracle as usual using Company Single Sign-On.

4. View results by entering the following criteria in the fields at top of page, partial terms are supported:

    1. Full Name: Enter or use the dropdown menu to search for the last name, first name of the user.
    2. Department: Enter or use the dropdown menu to select the Financial Unit Name, that employee belongs to, not the FinU the department is for.
    3. Assignment Number: UCPath Employee ID
    4. Email address: Official UCSD Email address ending with, not or alias.
    5. Purchasing Authority: Enter or use the dropdown menu to search for users with a specific Department Shopper or Central Accountant job grade.
    6. User Name: Refers to the long-technical OFC user ID.
    7. Role: Find users with specific roles by Module abbreviation or Financial Unit Number:

5. For Oracle & Concur role removal requests, it is recommended to use the Full Name, Assignment Number, or Email address fields to pull all roles assigned to the user.

6. When fields are complete, click Apply to generate the results for the report.

7. The Campus User Role Report displays, each user/role combination displays own row in the report along with the data security. 

Example 1:

Example 2: 

9. To export the report, in upper left, select HTML icon, then click Excel (or any other format) to save report.


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