Correcting Rejected Invoices


This article provides instructions for correcting rejected invoices.

Essential Information

Next Steps

Correcting "Rejected" Invoices

1. From the Oracle home page, select Projects and Awards tab.

2. Select Contract Invoices module.

3. Expand the right-hand Task Pane, and under Review and Adjust, select Manage Invoices.

4. Enter "UCSD CAMPUS" in the Business Unit textbox.

5. Delete the automatically generated Date and continue the search via Contract Number.

6. Under Search Results, highlight the desired line, and open the Number hyperlink.

7. In the Actions dropdown menu, select Return to Draft Status.

8. Once in "Draft" status, open the Actions dropdown menu again, and select Delete.

9. A Warning window will open, select OK.

10. Open the right hand task panel, and select Manage Events; then enter the appropriate Business Unit, search the Contract Number, and select the desired Event Number hyperlink.

11. Review the required corrections:

    1. Event Type can only be "Milestone, Fee, or Other"
      1. correct Event Type as needed.
    2. missing Project Name:
      1. zero out invoice in Amount in Bill Transaction Currency.
      2. open Status dropdown and place Hold Invoice AND Hold Revenue on "Indefinitely"
      3. Save and Close (Event is now placed on Indefinite Hold - do not use again).
      4. Create a new Event containing the Project Name.
      5. Generate new invoice
    3. and/or missing Transaction Task Name:
      1. zero out invoice in Amount in Bill Transaction Currency.
      2. open Status dropdown and place Hold Invoice AND Hold Revenue on "Indefinitely."
      3. Save and Close (Event is now placed on Indefinite Hold - do not use again).
      4. Create a new Event containing the Transaction Task Name.
      5. Generate new invoice

12. Save and Close

13. The Generate Invoices job runs 3x a day to create the new "Draft" invoice with the Event corrections, or run the Generate Invoices Job. Please refer to KB0033947: How to Run the Generate Invoices Job.


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