Cost Transfer Guide


This article serves as a guide to determine the options for processing Non-Salary Cost Transfers. Please note, most Non-Salary Cost Transfers can be processed either directly in OFC (PPM Cost Transfer) or by submitting a request to Service and Support using the designated request form.

Essential Information 

Next Steps

Decision Matrix

     Transactions Originated/Created in OFC:

 Cost Transfer Type


Services & Support

  • Project to Project 

Department can process in OFC using PPM Cost Transfer functionality
Home > Projects and Awards > Costs > Manage Project Costs

KB0033457: How to Initiate a Full or Partial Cost Transfer in Oracle PPM

  • For a Posted Payables Transaction:
  • Non Project to PPM Project (i.e. the Project Number in the chart string was 0000000 and no POETAF was provided)
    • Department Error: Project Number and POETAF was not entered on the PO/Non-PO Payment Request/Concur/Etc.
    • System Error: Freight/Miscellaneous/Tax Line did not post to the COA + POETAF, though the other lines on the transaction did
  • GL Project Segment only to PPM Project (i.e. chart string with Project Number other than 0000000 but no POETAF provided)
  • Project to Non Project (i.e. chart string included Project Number other than 0000000 and POETAF, but shouldn’t have)

Download and complete the Accounts Payable Cost Data Transfer Request Excel and submit via Subledger Transaction Correction Form through Services & Support

  • GL Project Segment only to PPM Project (i.e. chart string with Project Number other than 0000000 but not in PPM)

Note, this is only for expenses/costs. Resources/revenue are only in the GL

Ex. Not a requirement, but for example, may be used to move payroll expenses to a Project
General Project to Project 0000000 (Non Project)  Non Project - NON RECHARGE


Contact originator of journal/GL entry

If originated from a central office, please use the Subledger Transaction Correction Form
  • Graduate Student Stipend, Fee Payment and Tuition Remission
Requests for funding or other retroactive changes must be submitted via the FSRT.

Cost transfers may be processed by the Financial Support Unit for international students as needed.

Generally Unallowable Transfers - Same Project but Changing Expenditure Type or Expenditure Item Date  

  1. Expenditure Type changes are generally not allowable because they indicate the type of Expense incurred.
  2. Modifying these elements changes the intent and impacts financial reporting, make sure justification is clear on why the original Expenditure Type is incorrect.
  3. EI Dates indicate the date a service was incurred, if you feel this is erroneous, submit clear documentation showing the true date the service was incurred, vital for Sponsored Research and appropriate accounting practices.

 Cost Transfer Type


Services & Support

  • Change in in Expenditure Type on AP Transactions created in OFC for a Sponsored Project or General Project
  • Change in in Expenditure Item Date on AP created in OFC Transactions for a Sponsored Project or General Project
N/ADownload and complete the Accounts Payable Cost Data Transfer Request Excel and submit via Subledger Transaction Correction Form through Services & Support
  • Change in Expenditure Type on Recharge Transactions for a Sponsored Project
  • Change in Expenditure Item Date on Recharge Transactions for a Sponsored Project
 Contact the Recharge Unit/Department that charged the project
  • IFIS Conversion Expenditure Item and Type Change for Sponsored Project Only
N/AContact the appropriate Award Accountant to process your request
  • Indirect Cost (IDC)/Burden


Contact the appropriate Award Accountant to process your request

IFIS Conversion (Payroll and Non Payroll)

  1. As of the 5/31/2021 only conversion related Cost Transfers between Sponsored and Non-Sponsored (General Project) are applicable.
  2. Other movement of conversion balances between General Projects should be handled as a Resource Transfer via journal entry by department - VC contacts with Journal Entry Roles to process.

Cost Transfer Type


 Services & Support

  • IFIS Conversion Costs from Sponsored Project to Sponsored Project
  • IFIS Conversion Costs from Sponsored Project to General Project

Department can process in OFC using PPM Cost Transfer functionality

Home > Projects and Awards > Costs > Manage Project Costs

KB0033457: How to Initiate a Full or Partial Cost Transfer in Oracle PPM

  • IFIS Conversion Costs from General Project to Sponsored Project
  • Project 0000000 (Non Project) to Sponsored Project
Note that these are manual and will have the actual expenditure type and from/to


Submit a Subledger Transaction Correction Form or a Salary Cost Transfer Request

Supplemental Guides


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.