How to Initiate a Full or Partial Cost Transfer in Oracle PPM


This article demonstrates how to perform a full or split Cost Transfer in Oracle.

Essential Information

Next Steps


1. Log into Oracle, Single Sign-on.

2. Select Projects and Awards > Costs

3. On the Task pane, select Review and Adjust > Manage Project Costs

4. In the Manage Project Costs Search page, enter Project Number and click Search.

NOTE: Add the Net Zero Item column from the View drop down to identify previously adjusted transactions at a glance: an X under Net Zero Item means it has not been adjusted and is available to transfer; a check mark under Net Zero Item means it has been previously adjusted and can NOT be transferred.

Using the Advanced Search, you can set the Net Zero Item search parameter to Equals No prior to searching, which will eliminate previously adjusted transactions from the search results. You can also add additional fields to the search parameters as needed. 

a. If necessary, use Advanced search or use the Query by Example (filter) to identify your cost(s).

5. In Search Results, Transactions display, select the first Cost by clicking on the line of the desired Cost, the selected row is highlighted in blue.

6. Select additional Costs by holding the Control key down, Mac users use the COMMAND key, all selected rows are highlighted in blue. If all your costs are grouped, you can also use the SHIFT key and then click your last transaction to select all in a group. Click this link for a short video on Multi-selecting transactions to Transfer.

a. Note the Transaction Number(s) for future reference.

7. In the upper left, from the Actions dropdown, select Costing > Transfer.

8. If you get this Warning or similar Warning, Adjusting multiple invoiced expenditure items can result in a credit memo being issued, do you want to continue? Click Yes

9. In the Transfer Expenditure Items page, enter the TO Project Number and Task Number, the Contract Number and Funding Source populates if applicable. If blank (and not greyed out), choose the correct Funding Source from the drop down.

10. Click Submit, a dialog box displays.

11. In the Justification dialog box, enter the reason for the Transfer, then click OK. There is a maximum of 1000 characters.

a. Make sure to address the Cost Transfer Questions:

1.How did the error occur?

2. What is the benefit of moving this Expense to the TO project?

3. Address the Un-timeliness (if applicable)

4. What is being done to prevent this type of Expense Transfer in the future?

12. The transfer is then routed to the approver for the TO project (will not always be the initiator's supervisor). Transfers will only be approved at department level, central offices do not review/approve. Note: please refer to KB0033119: How to View Cost Transfer Approvals for steps on identifying approvers assigned to your transfers.

Split & Transfer

This process enables you to split & transfer a cost in one action. 

Example: you have one cost for $100 on project A and you want to transfer $25 to project B and $25 to project C, $50 remains on project A.

1. Log into Oracle, Single Sign-on.

2. Select Projects and Awards > Costs

3. On the Task pane, select Review and Adjust > Manage Project Costs

4. In the Manage Project Costs Search page, enter Project Number and click Search.

NOTE: Add the Net Zero Item column from the View drop down to identify previously adjusted transactions at a glance: an X under Net Zero Item means it has not been adjusted and is available to transfer; a check mark under Net Zero Item means it has been previously adjusted and can NOT be transferred.

Using the Advanced Search, you can set the Net Zero Item search parameter to Equals No prior to searching, which will eliminate previously adjusted transactions from the search results. You can also add additional fields to the search parameters as needed. 

a. If necessary, use Advanced search or use the Query by Example (filter) to identify your cost(s).

5. In Search Results, Transactions display, select the first Cost by clicking on the line of the desired Cost, the selected row is highlighted in blue.

6. In the upper left, from the Actions dropdown select Costing > Split and Transfer

7. If you get this Warning or similar Warning, Adjusting multiple invoiced expenditure items can result in a credit memo being issued, do you want to continue? Click Yes

8. In the available rows, enter the Project/Task numbers and the split amount(s) for each project. The total amount of all lines must equal the Quantity field on the transaction. The Quantity is displayed in the transaction header.

NOTE: If splitting between a general project and a sponsored project, enter the general project on the FIRST line. If the sponsored project is entered on the first line, the system will require a contract number and funding source for all rows below. This bug has been reported to Oracle and is pending resolution. 

NOTE: There are 2 Unit of Measure types: Currency or EA. If the unit of measure is Currency, use the dollar amounts. If the Quantity is EA, the dollar amount will need to be converted to a percentage, see steps below:

a. Take the amount that you will be transferring FROM and divide by the full amount of the original transaction, that percentage is what you are transferring.

Example: Quantity = 1

transfer amount = 10,862.82/original transaction amount = 14,916.70 = .728

b. The remaining percentage is what will be left in the Account. 

Example: 1 - .728 = .272

c. The total percentages from all splits must equal the Quantity on the Cost Header.

Example: Project A -> .272 + Project B -> .728 = 1

9.  If you need to split to multiple projects, click the + sign to create additional rows. Remember that the total amount of the split lines must equal the Quantity field displayed in the transaction header.

10. Click Submit, a dialog box displays.

11. In the Justification dialog box, enter the reason for the Transfer, then click OK. There is a maximum of 1000 characters.

a. Make sure to address the Cost Transfer Questions:

1.How did the error occur?

2. What is the benefit of moving this Expense to the TO project(s)?

3. Address the Un-timeliness (if applicable)

4. What is being done to prevent this type of Expense Transfer in the future?

12. Once submitted, the costs will route for approval. See KB0033119: How to View Cost Transfer Approvers.

  1. If any approver rejects the split and transfer, the entire request will be rejected.
  2. The approval workflow includes the original project’s approver, they are also required to approve to acknowledge that (a portion of) the cost will be moved off their project.
  3. Some workflow steps will show as automatically approved or rejected by "workflowsystem"; these can be disregarded. Instead, look for the current "assigned to" and if applicable, see "future assignee." Examples: 


13. Once fully approved, confirm your split is processed. TIP: to view status and other details, use the reports available on the Project Cost Transfers panorama.

Split (then Transfer)

This is a two (2) step process. First, Split the transaction on the original project (I.e $100 cost on project A is split into $25 and $75 on project A), then Transfer the portion of the cost(s) as needed to another project (I.e $25 on project A to project B). 

Split one Cost into Two Portions

NOTE: You can repeat the split steps as needed.

For example, if you have one cost for $100 on project A and you want to transfer $25 to project B and $25 to project C a. You would split into $25/$75 and then split the $75 into $25/$50.  Then transfer the applicable “new” $25 costs.

1. Log into Oracle, use your Single Sign-on.

2. Select Projects and Awards > Costs

3. On the Task pane, select Review and Adjust > Manage Project Costs

4. In the Manage Project Costs Search page, enter Project Number and click Search.

NOTE: Add the Net Zero Item column from the View drop down to identify previously adjusted transactions at a glance: an X under Net Zero Item means it has not been adjusted and is available to transfer; a check mark under Net Zero Item means it has been previously adjusted and can NOT be transferred.

Using the Advanced Search, you can set the Net Zero Item search parameter to Equals No prior to searching, which will eliminate previously adjusted transactions from the search results. You can also add additional fields to the search parameters as needed. 

a. If necessary, use Advanced search or use the Query by Example (Filter) to identify your cost(s). 

5. In Search Results, Transactions display, select the desired Cost by clicking on the line of the desired Cost, the selected row is highlighted in blue.

6. In the upper left, from the Actions dropdown select Costing > Split

7. If you get this Warning or similar Warning, Adjusting multiple invoiced expenditure items can result in a credit memo being issued, do you want to continue? Click Yes

8. In the two rows, enter the amount(s) of the split. The total amount of the 2 lines must equal the Quantity field on the transaction. The Quantity is displayed in the transaction header.

NOTE: There are 2 Unit of Measure types: Currency or EA. If the unit of measure is Currency, use the dollar amounts. If the Quantity is EA, the dollar amount will need to be converted to a percentage, see steps below. 

a. Take the amount that you will be transferring FROM and divide by the full amount of the original transaction, that percentage is what you are transferring.

Example: Quantity = 1

transfer amount = 10,862.82/original transaction amount = 14,916.70 = .728

b. The remaining percentage is what will be left in the Account. 

Example: 1 - .728 = .272

c. The total percentages from all splits must equal the Quantity on the Cost Header

Example: Project A -> .272 + Project B -> .728 = 1

d. If you need to split again, calculate the percentage from the original total, not the split portion.

10. Click Submit, a dialog box displays.

11. In the Justification dialog box, enter the reason for the Split, then click OK.

  1. Split function is auto-approved, the Cost will automatically be processed and reflected in OFC.

12. Confirm your split is processed. TIP: Sort Descending on the Transaction number column so that the most recent transactions are at the top.

13. Select one of the new transactions created from the Split and transfer as needed (see Transfer steps at top of page).


Supplemental Guides


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